The Author by T. J. Blake - HTML preview

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Killing For Your Love

Chapter 26

So who is this Mr S? I have no idea whatsoever but whoever he is, I need to find out and I need to finish him.

 This is all becoming very risky, I’m being hunted for the wrong reasons. I would never harm my family, no sane man would.

 I sit in darkness planning my next moves, nobody knows I’m here, the man who used to live here no longer does; he’s not even alive anymore. I made sure of that.

 It’s funny that this house has no name and not even a number.


 Chapter 27

 I’m out in the night once again. I trek up to the morgue where Don works. No one is around but the lights are on inside.

 I walk right up to the door and open it slowly. I walk into the morgue entrance and look around me, with no one in sight down the hallways; I go out the back to find Don.

 I take stealthy steps through the corridor. There’s water running through the pipes that run along the ceiling and top of the walls. The wind outside is vicious as it pushes against the building making the windows and the frames creak.

 I reach the area where Don has taken me many times to see the bodies; right out into the morgue area. When people are here I have to go into the white room and look through a window but when no one is around, I’m allowed to come out the back.

 I look through one of the double doors’ windows. There are beds and lumpy objects under each sheet, but no Don.

 I push the door open with my finger tips and creep into the back area.

 There’s a strong smell of bleach out here. The temperature is freezing.

 Ahead of me is a door, I think that it’s the security office but with no one here there won’t be anyone in there.

 I continue to look around; on a bed on the right lays a blonde woman under the blue sheet. I don’t know her.

 Lifting the cover up on another bed, I look at a man. I believe it is the man who was in my house. His head is covered in dried blood; it doesn’t sit normally as his neck is bent back at an awkward angle.

 I must have caused a lot of damage with that bat.

 “What are you doing here?”  Don’s deep voice bellows from behind me.

 “I’ve come here to see you.” I reply.

 “Why would you want to see me?”

 “Because I have some questions to ask you.” I say as I turn to face him.

 “Go on.” Don replies carelessly.

 “Don, enlighten me, who’s Mr S?” I ask.

 “I… I can’t… I can’t tell you, I’ll be killed.” Don stutters.

 “Oh Don. I’ll kill your wife and your kid, I’ve already warned you. Tell me what I want to know.”

 “I don’t know who Mr S is. I really don’t, that’s all he is to me, Mr S.”

 “Why is he after me? What does he want from me?”

 “Mr S is a bad man Daniel. I would stop investigating these murders if I were you. I would stop trying to find out who Mr S is and I would stop coming here.”

 “I can’t leave Lizzie and the kids.”

 “You have to.”

 “Why does he not want me sniffing around?”

 “Daniel, do you really not know?”

 “No, I don’t.

 “Mr S has contacts, many contacts. He knows the police, he knows detectives. They are all after you, they believe you killed all these blonde women, they believe you killed Lizzie and the kids, if you come here again,” Don pauses and stares at me. “I will kill you.”

 “I didn’t kill Lizzie or the kids. I will do anything to find them so if you, Mr S and the other two get in my way, don’t be surprised if I kill you.”

 “I doubt that very much, Daniel.”

 I turn around and leave the morgue.

 More enemies. That is not what I need to find Lizzie and the kids.

 Someone is setting me up.

 I open my eyes. I’m blinded by bright lights which cause my vision to blur. I hear mumbling and a high pitched beep sound every couple of seconds. I look straight up and see a figure standing over me. Their head blocks the light and it shines around their head.

 I hear mumbling and the beeping. Each time I hear the beep, I get flashbacks of the flames in the house crawling into each room, catching the house alight.

 My senses return to me slowly, my sight regains some normality. There’s a nurse standing above me as she checks my machine. Of course, I’m in hospital.

 “Mr Milligan how are you feeling?” the nurse asks.

 “Rough,” I reply.

 “That’s no surprise. You will begin to feel a lot better now though. You’ve been unconscious the whole night, we’ve kept you in just to keep an eye on you; you must have inhaled a lot of smoke. Could you sit up for me?”

 I use my stomach muscles to sit up; my chest feels as if it’s been stamped on. I sit upright and begin to cough. The nurse holds a cardboard tub up to my mouth.

 “I won’t throw up.” I say.

 “Okay Mr Milligan. How do you feel now you’re sitting up?”

 “Not too bad actually.”

 “Okay that’s good, we should be able to discharge you in a couple of hours so take the time to recover and get yourself together. You are free to walk around but if anything doesn’t feel right or you feel faint, just stop and I can help you.”

 “Okay, thank you very much.”

 “That’s okay.” The nurse replies, smiling.

 She leaves, leaving me to myself. I fall back down onto my back.

 I try to remember exactly what happened last night, I remember falling asleep in the sitting room on the chair. I held a photo of Tanya and the kids. That’s probably just ashes now, like the rest of the house.

 I woke up on the bedroom floor; there was a lot of smoke in the room. I went to the stairs and tripped on the brown bear from the basement which will now be destroyed, thank God.

 I saw bloody footprints in the house, they led to the chair I was in and then into the kitchen and out the back door. The piece of wood which Shola had was on the table though, with bloody screws through the wood.

 He must have done that! Shola, why would he have left that wood there though? It wasn’t my blood and I doubt it was his. Sam may think he’s clever but that was plain stupid.

 I need to get out of here, I need to find him. I hope he thinks he killed me.

 I get up from my bed and warily stand up. My balance is okay. I need clothes though. I look into the cupboard by my bed; it has some clothes in it. There are brown leather shoes, a pair of blue denim jeans and a green polo shirt with a note on top of it.


 I know you don’t wear anything but shirts and black trousers but this is all I could find of Simon’s clothes.

 Come and see me when you’re out of here.

 Sandy xxx’

 So Sandra had come in to see me? She must at least care about me then.

 I need to be careful who I speak to now though, there are many suspects and at least one that wants me dead. The person who did this is most likely the person targeting blonde women in Surrey.

 I mean Shola is involved but is someone helping him?

 I pull off my hospital gown and put on the clothes Sandra gave me.

I walk out of the hospital towards the main road. To my delight, I spot a taxi. I put my arm up and the taxi man acknowledges me by nodding his head. He looks down to his lap and then fiddles around for a minute as I walk over to him.

 “Can you take me to Mulberry Lane?”

 “Yeah sure hop in son.”