The Conservative Kingdom - Military Diaries by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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become a billionaire are vile as all hell. You can only become a billionaire through bringing people down, or through multiplying your profits and laborers. I do not think I have found any other way and at this moment, I am giving them up completely in favor of my sanity. I love to stay sane. It keeps me awake to the distress of animals and their pain. I hate money. I love my god. You either serve money, or you either serve god, I chose the latter. The Indians multiply money, the Chinese bring nations to their knees through en-slaving them by debt and giving them money along with goods they cannot afford to pay back. Most African nations and Asian Asian countries are enslaved by China. They owe China so much money that their sons, sons, and daughters will not be able to pay back the money for their services for a long long time. I do not want to do business with them. I 20

do not want to do business with the Indian’s. They live life like there is no god while they are in full service of money. Even if there is no god, there is a nation called Rome. To all the non-believers, Rome is a light they cannot go past. Rome prevailed as an empire and a republic for a long time.

There is the triumvirate for the atheists. If they do not bend their knee to the god above, they will bend the knee to Rome. There is no escape to divinity.

Initially, there is the holy trinity. There is Jesus Chirsit right in the middle. He claims to be the living water. In my conclusion, I have arrived at the reason that people bow in the name of Jesus because the Romans will kill you. If they do not, then the lack of water will kill you. If you do not submit the living water, you will die of thirst in 3 days. No human can survive without water for 3 days. If you do not submit to the name of the King in 3 days, they will remove water from the environment and watch you die. I think it’s quite funny because you forfeit your life. Most humans do not understand that. When I feel all sorts of feelings that are not right and that