My day consists of waking up early in the morning and administering the kingdom as it is. I seek reports from soldiers. The earliest one I get is of those who have died the day before. I look at it with contempt. I sometimes look at it with delight. I have been ruling this empire that I have built for myself for quite some time now and I think there is nothing better than to be single or myself.
The more I think to myself how I can make things better for myself, I consider the other people who are with me and around me. I have been going back and forth from my mothers house to my fathers house for quite some time now. Considering my parents have been divorced for a while, I think it’s better to say I do not prefer both of them. My mind is constantly on the Irish Republic. At the moment, I am constantly thinking about the Kingdom of Ireland. Much like how the knight piece moves 4 steps in the chess game, I have also come to conclude you need to be brighter than others. I sit down and think about how many moves people think ahead of me. I have reached the conclusion that I am not the smartest person because I delight in the pleasures of others where at the moment, sitting at my fathers house here, there is none. They are constantly fighting against each other. I am no longer on their side. Countless times I have completed the assignments my father has set out for me and the last one I completed was the best and last one. He no longer wants my attention nor does he need it. He is an old man now and I am looking at inheriting his estate once he dies. I do not favor him nor her but considering I have taken an unorthodox way of life, there is nothing to complain about my state of affairs or my living situation.
They have faced a fair share of their troubles and mine are not quite different. I have loved none and I have yet to have any children of my own. It’s not that I do not have any desire 16
for it, the situation is complicated because I am interested in the divine things. I look to the heavens to make decisions and so far, the best thing above democracy is Divinity. They both start and end in D and Y. They both bring things together but things are better when you look towards the heavens and make decisions. There are a lot of lessons that I have learned in life from looking up towards the heavens. Why I try to explain the inferiority of democracy to others sometimes baffles me because there are a lot of holes in it. There are a lot of people who do not deserve to love on this planet that I do not want to associate with. There are people who lie behind your back, there are people who steal from you, but most of all there are people who stand in your way. I have dealt with all sorts of people but the last ones really grind my teeth and I am unable to come up with any sort of solution to this problem. There are people who make it their mission to get in your way by standing in front of you and block the path that you walk on. It makes no sense to me and I just simply go past them and make it my personal mission to avoid them any chance I get.
Lately, different kinds of people have been dying all over the place. I have never killed anyone in my life but the same ones that have been dying by the millions or are being murdered are the ones that get in peoples way. I consider myself kind yet my kindness does not stretch other than the boundaries of my fathers house and my mothers land. In other countries, they do not even hesitate to make them martyrs of their own story. Their family members eat distress food for lunch as a result of the people’s inability to understand reason. Reason when often left ignored often makes people act in a violent manner. Some humans just seem to act on faith. In all my life, I have concluded the most superior species on the plant are human beings. Humans have the capacity to think. Humans have the capacity to reason and have compassion.
At the moment, they are referred to as Homo-Sapiens in the biological world, and all my study has made me reach the study of these species. I think they are fascinating. I love the whole concept of 17
schools in the United States and Canada having mascots all over the states and provinces. It sets a standard of how people should operate in the actual world compared to other animals. It sets a standard of how a community should behave with other communities considering the life of the specific animal. There are not a lot of human mascot’s however. I have seen a lot of lions, bears, gators, and mythical creatures but very little human mascots. I think it is mostly because when you come to the study of homo sapiens, it depends on the classification of the humans in different races.
There are a lot of races. I do not think of them much. I do not see in color when it comes to race. I see it in terms of nation. I have deep distrust for classification of humans based on race. Currently, I try to associate with people who are really cool to hang out with. Humans who have deep relations with different kinds of Monarchy’s. It’s not hard to look at them as one individual. In all the while, at the moment, I have loved one with all my heart. I have known her for quite a short time yet I see myself as unwanted by her. I am just another knight to her who is on his way to serve the country he wants through rome. My love for her grows everyday, yet I fail in faith to accept there could be no reality or maturation to our love in the future.
Wherever she wants I am willing to give it to her. My willingness as you may or may not guess comes with a price. I seek to be liberated from my parents. To her, I might just be another fling. To me, she is a person I would love to be with for quite a long time. The biological factors such as emotion and desire are there but my duty to serve my country will outweigh that motive over ninety percent of the day. I seek very little. I want to have a romantic relationship with her that consists of me staying in the library that I want to be in all day. I love to read books. My mind is at rest when I am in my study chambers. I love to be surrounded by writers I like. I tend to take control of things from a little place that contains all the little things that I like. I like good tasting foods. I like having a lot of money in one place. I like to sing a lot of good songs to myself and at the end of the day, I like to sleep well in my bed. I have made such a perfect republic for myself to the point I don't even know where a woman fits at this point. Having a biological family is starting to sound like a horrible idea based on uncalculated risk. It is so expensive and a huge threat to my life.