The Invisible Drone by Mike Dixon - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Coup D’état

There was an appalling thoroughness to the operation. Petra watched as Uncle Henry’s Columbians and Anna’s Brazilians joined forces and cleared the compound of the people who had come to stay when Richard was in charge. Anna and Carla had come to a truce. Henry wouldn’t tolerate their bickering. He said the family was facing great challenges and great opportunities. They must combine and work together as the de Villiers had always done.

Henry said Sipho could stay. He admired his determination to succeed in his university studies and advance himself. He had no time for the rest. He called them hippies and parasites. Petra didn’t argue. Some fell into that category. They were there to hide the people who really mattered.

Everyone agreed that Richard was dead. All that remained was to get official recognition and share out the spoils. The family attorney would be calling the next day. Henry had set him to work and expected quick results.

Petra turned her mind to David. There had been no chance to speak to him. Sipho was their go-between and she intended to keep it that way. Uncle Henry was watching her like a hawk. She didn’t want to do anything to arouse his suspicions. David was her man and she wasn’t going to share him with other members of the family. Richard hadn’t trusted them and she wasn’t going to either.


David retreated into Sipho’s cabin and watched as people gathered their belongings together and fled from the compound. To the casual eye, they looked like a ragbag collection of hippies, Hari Krishnans, junkies and outright nutters. A more discerning observer would have noticed that many were packing scientific instruments into their vehicles and looked anything but crazy.

Sipho was taking advantage of the mayhem and planting listening devices around the de Villiers’ mansion. Charlie had supplied them and he had given detailed instructions on where they were to be put. David could scarcely believe his luck. He didn’t even need to pass the instructions on to Sipho. The guy was brilliant. He was working for a Master’s Degree in electrical engineering and knew exactly what had to be done.