The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 128

Taylor unsympathetically struck Dennis in the head with the pistol.  “Your a pathetic old drunken fool. My name is not Craig Holloway, My real name is Taylor Hanson.  Mary Hanson was my mother’s maiden name. My estranged father is David Cooper. After my pathetic mother killed herself. I was then sent to a catholic orphanage where the nuns changed my name to Craig Holloway.”

“Your mother didn't commit suicide, she was murder by your father with his Lugar pistol,” said Dennis.

“That a lie son, he trying to trick you. Kill your old partner now,” I pleaded.

“Jenny discovered the police report on your mother’s murder. The two bullets retrieved from her head where from a Lugar pistol.” Dennis removed the crumbled ballistic report from his pocket and handed it to his partner. “The police ruled your mother’s death a homicide. Your father is lying to you my old friend.”

Lost in an emotional chaos, Taylor cast his green eyes upon the police report.

“That report is a fake Taylor; shoot Dennis now,” I protested.

“Your father killed you're younger sister, Nicole Cooper, when he tried to conceal Mary Hanson’s murder with a gas explosion,” said Dennis.

Confusion swirled in Taylor’s troubled mind as he desperately tried to unravel the truth behind who really murdered his mother. Despair erupted in his heart as he finally fathomed my insidious scheme. He eyes glazed upon my scorched faced with unrelenting antipathy. He face was shrouded in malice and a thirst for vengeance enraged in his soul. Ferociously he clenched his jaw as he turned toward me. “You killed my mother and my sister? You lied to me father, you said she committed suicide.”

“Your mother was a whore, lier and cheat. She betrayed me just like my old friends. Your mother deserved to die for her sins,” I declared.

Taylor finally had a moment of lucidity as tears trickled down his cheeks. He cast his chartreuse colored eyes towards my scared face and proclaimed, “You bastard you lied to me, you killed my mother.” Callously Taylor pointed aWalter PP pistol at my head.

Malice swelled in my soul as I pondered the necessity of my son’s services anymore. “I have decided that our alliance has come to abrupt end my son.” I pulled the trigger on my Lugar pistol and apathetically shot my son, Taylor Hanson, in the head.

“No,” Dennis screamed. Anguish swirled in his mind as he cast his blue eyes upon his partner’s bloody face and wept.