The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 130

The flashing lights of the D.C police cars and ambulances lit up the city skyline as the sun slowly settled in the west. The first police officers on the scene were noshes from the blood as they cast their eyes upon the chaos that had erupted throughout the cemetery.

Washington D.C. has never seen a murder scene of this magnitude before. The carnage was more than the young police officers could handle as they ran puking up their guts. The ambulance personnel couldn’t figure out who to help first as they hastily searched for any survivors.

A police officer heroically carried Jenny Johnson out of the roaring fire and into an ambulance. Tears filled the agent’s blue eyes as she frantically search for Dennis Paterson through the bellowing smoked and roaring fire.

“What the hell happened here?” rookie officer Kenny Bungalow scrutinized as he cast his eyes amongst the carnage.

“I am okay,” Jenny reassured officer Bungalow as she stood to her feet. Jenny was horrified as tears streamed down her face. “Is Agent Dennis Paterson dead?”

Bungalow’s grim disposition confirmed Jenny’s suspicions that Dennis Paterson was dead.

As a medic bandaged Jenny’s arm, countless FBI agent evaluated the massacre that laid out before her.  Sadness engulf her heart as she gazed amongst the tombstones looking for any survivors. Jenny cried as Senator Anderson’s lifeless body was dragged from the smoke.

Anguish filled Eric Brown’s face as he raced towards Jenny Johnson. Doctor Brown gazed into Jenny’s smoked covered face as he said,“Jenny are you all right; where is Dennis?”

Eric’s embraced Jenny’s trembling body in his arms as hoards of police officers searched the cemetery for agents Paterson’s body. As firefighters desperately tired to extinguish the fire, Jenny finally saw a smoldering body emerged from the smoke fill cemetery. She quickly turned away and gasped, “Is that Dennis?”

Eric casted his eyes upon the burning corp through the bellowing smoked and screamed, “No, it’s Martinez’s body.” The agents were relieved that the terrorist once know only as Martinez was finally dead.

Coughing on smoke, agent Dennis Paterson emerged from the smoke  and clasped upon Jenny’s shoulders. The agent was severely brunt. Smoke and ash from the raging fire, cloaked his face and was indebted in his burnt hair. Jenny turned and cast her tear filled eyes upon his burnt face.  Her heart was full of sorrow as she screamed, “You alive.”