The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

John. Kelly’s plan to retrieve Kevin’s computer disk from Mrs. Deloris’s house was obliterated when Captain Sean Brennan brought the disc to the Seaside Oregon’s police station. Kelly was very apprehensive about confiscating the disc from inside the police station, but he has no other choice.  Kelly needed Kevin’s computer disk if he was going to revenge Kevin’s murder. The question that really plagued Kelly’s mind was not if they should steal the disk from the police station, but how.

Kelly was very clever and savvy. Todd on the other hand was always impulsive and ignorant. Even back during the war, Todd always left the planning to Kelly while Todd pursued what he does best, whiskey and women.

By the time Todd woke from his night of booze and women, Kelly already figured out how to steal Kevin’s computer disk from the police. “I got it,” Kelly shouted at his drunken friend. “We need to call your contact in the FBI. He can help us find a copy of Kevin's computer disc.”

Todd glazed at Kelly through his bloodshot eyes and uttered, “Do whatever you think is best John,” Todd mumble then turned and passes out again.

Kelly frantically searched Todd’s telephone book for the number of his contact in the FBI. Todd used his contact in the FBI to get them out of jail many times.  John was not even sure the number still worked, but he had to try. A woman's voice bellow from the telephone. John was suddenly paralyzed in fear as he whispered, “Dexter Framingham please.” Kelly became suddenly suspicious and contemplated hanging up the phone. His suspicions was quickly eradicated when a mysterious voice bellowed, Todd is this you?”

“No, Dexter it’s me John Kelly, Todd Beacon’s old friend.”

“Kelly, where is Todd?”

“Todd’s fine he just passed out on the bed. Dexter I need to find a computer disk that belonged to an old friend of my named Kevin Spencer.”

“Don’t worry Kelly, I have a source in the FBI computer laboratory that will help me retrieve a copy of the disk. Don't contact me at this number anymore. When I have Kevin Spencer’s disk I’ll call you.”