The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Todd Beacon and John Kelly eulogized and mourned the lost of the friend Kevin Spencer with a bottle of twelve year old whiskey. Todd and Kelly reawaken painful memories they witnessed on the battlefield forty years ago as they lamented the lost of all their friends from the platoon. The constant ringing of the phone woke Kelly from alcohol induced sleep. Finally, after the sixth ring, John stumbled across the motel room and answered the phone, “Who is this?”

“It’s me, Dexter. Is this Kelly?” “You got what I want Dexter?”

“Kevin Spencer’s computer disk contained a video. Do you or Todd know a man that calls himself Martinez?”

A bewildered look quickly crossed Kelly’s face as uttered, “No, who is he?”

“He is an international terrorist who’s DNA was found aboard Kevin’s boat. How about the initials J.A. Do you remember a sergeant in your platoon with the initials J.A?”

“J.A,” Kelley uttered to himself as his thoughts drifted back forty years. “I don't remember any guy with those initial from the old platoon, why?”

“Kevin’s video revealed that a terrorist named Martinez is planning to kill one of your old buddies from the platoon with the initials J.A. in less twenty-four hours. We suspect that J.A. is a senator and is somehow involved in the murder of your friend Kevin Spencer.”

Anguish erupted in Kelly’s heart as he uttered, “You think that one of my friends from the platoon was involved in the murder of Kevin Spencer?”

“That is what I need you to find out.” “Why me? Why don't you use one of your FBI agents?”

“I don't trust agent Holloway or agent Paterson. You knew every man in that platoon. The senator would reveal the truth to you long before he reveals anything to FBI agent. I can arrange for you and Todd to pass through security and meet with the senator before Martinez kills him. My private airplane will pick you up and fly you to D.C in half an hour.”

Abruptly Kelly hanged up the phone and screamed, “Wake up Todd.”

Todd was still hunger over as he climbed off the bed and stumbled towards the kitchen. Todd poured himself a cup of black coffee and sat on a kitchen chair.

“Dexter Framingham just informed me that one of our old friends from the platoon might be involved murder of Kevin Spencer. We have to fly to D.C. and find a member of our old platoon with the initials J.A. before he is killed by some terrorist named Martinez.”

Todd stared back at Kelly through his bloodshot eyes and uttered, “J.A, I don't recall any of our old friend with those initials.”

“If we are going to revenge Kevin's murder, we have to find an old friend from the platoon with the initials J.A. before his is murdered.”