The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 25

“Senator Anderson, you have a phone call from a man that calls himself Martinez,” Mrs. Penelope Baggins declared.

Mrs. Penelope Baggins wasn’t a patient women as she knocked on the senator’s door and abruptly walked in.

“You’re going to be late Mr. Anderson,” Penelope screamed again.  After all these years as Mr. Anderson’s secretary, Penelope hoped that she could get the Senator to at least one meeting on time.

Despite running late, the senator reluctantly answered the phone. At first, he didn’t recognize the name, Martinez.

“Hello,” Jeff uttered as he struggled to hear over Penelope’s screams.

“Senator Jefferson Anderson?”  I inquired. Mr. Anderson paused for a few moment as he contemplated his next words carefully. “Yes, who is this?”

“Mr. Anderson, I just murdered your old friend Kevin Spencer. Just before he died he revealed to me that you stole a very valuable treasure forty years ago during the D-day invasion. I want to know where the treasure is now.”

Mr. Anderson hastily descended into his chair as sweat trickled down his face. Anguish plagued his heart as his remember the mayhem, that he witnesses as the commander of the eight-six Airborne platoon during the D-day invasion.

“I need you to tell me the present whereabouts of the treasure you stole forty years ago now senator.”

“What treasure? I have never stolen any treasure?”

“Don’t play stupid with me Mr Anderson, you know what I am talking about.”

“I don't know anything about a treasure.” “Listen to me very carefully senator, either you tell me where the treasure is or I will hunt you down and kill you just like I did with your old friend Kevin Spencer. I will be in your office in two minutes. Don't inform the secret service or I will murder your lover Penelope Baggins.”

Penelope was enraged by Mr. Anderson’s tardiness as she bursted into his office and noticed the look of horror on the Senator’s face. In the eight years since Penelope has been Senators Anderson’s secretary, she has never seen him so frighten.