The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

The vast dome; beautiful statue, historic pictures and breathtaking rotunda extenuated the momentousness of the National capitol as Kelly and Todd walked towards Senator Anderson’s office.

“Good afternoon, sir; your name, please,” Mrs. Janet McFarlane requested.

“Kevin Spencer and Robert Banner,” John Kelly lied as he passed two fake driver's licenses to Mrs. McFarlane. “We have a 12:15 o'clock meeting with Senator Jeffrey Anderson.”

The receptionist ignored Todd’s relentless lustful stares as she looked for the appointment on her computer. “Yes, here it is sir. Mr. Louis Stetson will you escort you to Senator Anderson’s office second floor, room 204.”

Mr Louis abruptly came to a halt in front of senator Anderson's office. Confusion clouded his fragile mind as he read the do not disturb sign on the office door.

“Oh my god; I don’t know what to say, gentlemen; you will have to wait in the lobby,” Louis insisted.

Todd quickly pushed Louis aside and thrust his large bulging shoulders again the Senator’s office door. An anguish look crept across Louis’s face as Kelly and Todd rushed into the Senator’s office.

“What happened here?” Louis screamed. Kelly quickly attended to Penelope's medical condition as Todd struggled to open the Senator’s locked door.

“What happen to Miss Penelope Baggins?” Louis hysterically screamed in a panic stricken voice.

Kelly checked Penelope's pulse while Todd checked to see if the senator was dead. Kelly quickly realized that their plans to revenge Kevin’s murder could be defeated if the Senator was dead.

Kelly rushed into the Senator Anderson’s office dredging the worse.  Kelly probed Todd’s face in the hope of some good news. The next few moments seemed like hours as John waited to hear if the Senator was dead. Beads of sweat formed on Kelly’s brow as he pondered the senator’s fate. “We better get out of here before we are blamed for the senators death,” Kelly uttered.

“Who could have done this?” Louis agonized. Paralyze by fear and hysteria Louis started to hyperventilate.

Kelly could see in Todd’s eyes that the Senator was dead.

Louise screamed hysterically for help. Kelly grabbed Louis and smacked him in the face and said, “Chill out Louis, go get some help.” Kelly demanded.

Kelly pushed Louise out of Penelope’s office and locked the door behind him.“We got about five to ten minutes, if we’re lucky before Louis comes back with every security cop in this building. We need to find out who killed Kevin before the FBI arrest us for the senator’s murder.” Kelly desperately rifled through the Senator’s desk for any clues to Kevin Spencer’s murder.

Todd searched the Senator’s pockets. “Nothing here; anything over there Kelly?”

“No, I can’t find any clues over here. How about the computer?”

“The computer has a security code impossible to break. We got to get out of here.”

“No, wait a minute; give me a pencil or a pen Todd.”

Todd searched through the papers on the Senator’s desk for a pencil.

“That’s okay, I found one.” Kelly lightly scribbled on a sticky pad with the pencil.

“You got anything?”

Kelly ripped off the top page of the sticky pad and shoved the page into his pocket. “I got it; let’s get out of here.”

Todd and Kelly quickly make their way out of the office. Kelly cast his eyes back into the office saw Senator anderson still slumped on the couch.  “Lock the door from the inside,” Kelly screamed. “We got to split-up; we can meet up again at the Washington monument in two hours.”