The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 72

Katherine’s eyes swelled in anguish and frustration over her friend’s murder. Her once cheerful, illuminating blue eyes were now dark and gloomy. The depravity of Jennifer's murder at the hands of Albert Kandinsky, weighed heavily on her soul.

The Swiss police captain Rhyner was overwrought with emotion as he observed the once peaceful little town of Montreux quickly be consumed by the ragging fire. Swiss border guards helped agent Holloway and DST agent Barnet out of the burning building. The captain bestowed his deepest condolences to agent Barnett as she gagged on the thick smoke.

“What are the Swiss borders guards doing to capture this terrorist?” Dennis inquired.

The captain’s thin, pale lips grasped a cigarette as he read a report. “According to my staff at the airport, they arrested Martinez's pilot and locked down his airplane.”

“Well, that’s good,” Craig said as he lit up a used cheap cigar he wrestled from his pocket.

“The Swiss governments will automatic lockdown all the boarders as part of standard practice when cataclysmic event such as this accrue. We should have them within less than an hour.”

“After you apprehend Martinez and Robert Dubinsky we would be most appreciative if you turn them over to us so we can bring them back to U.S,” Dennis insisted.

“The Captain chuckled, “U.S.? I don’t think so agent Paterson. Theses terrorist committed a crime in Switzerland, they will stand trial and rot in jail for twenty years then the USA can have them.”

Dennis’s ears turn red with anger as he screamed, “What? That’s ridiculous, we have been trailing this guy for two…”

“That’s too bad agent Paterson. The Swiss boarder guards will now take over this investigation,” the Captain declared.

“If anyone should get him it’s the French,” Katherine shouted. “Dubinsky killed my friend, an undercover French DST agent.”

“Your friends were murdered on Swiss soil.”

“Enough,” Dennis shouted. “We need to catch him first. What train was Martinez on?”

“The one o’ clock train to Geneva, it should be pulling into the station now.  I have an armed garrison waiting for him and the fleet of hummers patrolling the area. Let me call my men in Geneva for an update.”

Craig pulled out a used crumbled tissue and handed it to the French agent. “Your makeup is running Katherine.”

Katherine smiled, whipped her face and whispered in Craig's ear, “I have known Jennifer since we entered the academy together. I have seen many people die. I have also killed many people too, but it's even more agonizing when you see your best friend murdered right in front of you.”

The image of Jennifer's death reverberated in her mind over and over till she collapsed into Craig’s waiting arms.

“The train was empty, they missed him,” captain Rhyner said regrettably

Katherine’s heart was broken as she proclaimed not to rest till Dubinsky was dead. Craig ran after Kitty as she dashed towards André private plane.

“I will call Interpol, Mi-6 and Scotland Yard’s and put a warrant out for Martinez arrest,” Captain Rhyner insisted.

Dennis scalded the inept Swiss captain and quickly realized that if he was going to capture me, he was going to need a man smarter then captain Rhyner.  Dennis hastily picked up the phone and called the smartest man he knew; Doctor Eric Brown.