The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 93

A full moon illuminated Washington D.C. as Penelope and her best friend Darlene Bradford walked down the marble steps of the Capital.

“It’s still very hot outside,” Darlene stammered as she took off her red velvet shawl.

Penelope’s face was rigid and forbidding as the two secretaries walked home.

“What’s up girlfriend? You haven’t said anything all night.” Darlene insisted.

Penelope’s blue eyes simmered in moonlight as she was aroused from her deep trance. “Oh, I am sorry, what did you say Darlene?”

“What’s up with you girlfriend? You have been acting very strange since you and Senator Anderson were attacked by that creep in the wheelchair.”

Penelope whipped away a tears and to hide her tormented feeling with a weak smile.  “I am okay.”

“Don’t you’ll lie to me; I have known you far too long.”

Penelope or as her friends call her Penney, looked deep into Darlene's dark brown eyes and realized that there was no point in hiding her fears. “I thought we were going to die. I can still see those looming dark eyes of the man who tried to murder me.”

An inquisitive look crept across Darlene's sad round face as she helplessly listened to Penney’s relive that awful night. “Do you know why you and Senator Anderson where targeted? Was it some type of terrorist attack?”

Penny tried to smile, but her inner demons shrouded her in fear and dread “I don’t think so, I think it was personal.”

Doubt snared Darlene's mind as she looked into Penny’s tear filled eyes and realized the truth. “You love him.”

A smile cracked through Penney’s fake vainer as she thought of her one true love, Jefferson Anderson.

“Oh my god, it’s true; wait till the other secretaries hear about this.”

“No,” Penney demanded as she grabbed Darlene by her shoulders. “Listen, no one can ever know.”

Jealousy, churned in Darlene's soul. “I never knew you were in love with Senator Anderson. You better watch your step girlfriend. The other Senators would use that information to destroy him.”

Penny was very much aware of the consequence of loving a Senator. She doesn’t care; she was in love, a love she had to keep deep within her soul.

Sorrow infiltrated Penny’s heart as a breeze picked up from the south. The empty streets of D.C. felt eerie to Penney’s paranoid mind as they made their way home. A sinister, horrifying presence, that she felt only once before, swept through her soul like an evil plague. The feeling of sliding down into the pit of hell swelled in the Penney’s heart. It’s was the same feeling that she had when a strange man named Albert Kandinsky pierced her arm with a needle.

The foreboding cold breath of the Reaper brushed up against Penelope’s neck. She reluctantly turned around and saw a pair of dark coal colored eyes leering back at her. A drug soaked cloth was suddenly clenched over her mouth.

Darlene's scream echoed down the deserted street as she struggled in vain to thwart her emanate death. Her tear-filled eyes looked into the unmerciful, unsympathetic and vindictive killer’s eyes. A sadistic smile adorned Albert’s face as he plunged his knife deeper into Darlene's rapidly beating heart.

Like a cold hand yearning for a warm glove on a cold December morning, the Reaper waited in earnest to collect Darlene's soon departed soul. Her lifeless corpse collapsed to the street as Albert removed his bloody six inch knife. A manacling grin slowly appeared on Albert’s face as he cast his eyes scornfully upon Darlene's bloody body strewn across the vacate streets.

Just before she succumbed to the medication, Penelope’s blue eyes gaze upon the one man she hoped she would never to see again. Mr. Kandinsky shoved the Senator’s lover into my car as her eyes gaze upon my scorched face. A diabolical smile crossed my face I chuckled, "Hello Penelope, how nice it is to see you again my dear.”