The Mystery of Deadly Daisies by Steven Vagovics - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


Marge Greg

4 March 1947

Herbie and Albert got in the car. Albert cranked up the engine and while driving, he asked Herbie.

ALBERT: Was it necessary, mister Fox?

Herbie replied with confidence.

HERBIE: Being a detective is not an easy task, mister Fringe. Sometimes you just have to get out of your comfort zone and act fiercely.

ALBERT: But you know, he didn't show any signs of resisting, and he was cooperating with us.

HERBIE: I don't know if you heard the same things as I did, mister Fringe. He tried to lie to us! If we didn't have any previous testimonies, we still wouldn't have a single suspect.

ALBERT: And what about that barkeeper? Did you find him at least a bit suspicious?

HERBIE: Nothing is impossible. I keep an eye out on everyone who has something to do with the victim. That applies to each case. Nevertheless, the only suspect at the moment is Daniel Greg.

ALBERT: Can I ask you why? It is true that he only had a feud with his sister and not him.

HERBIE: It may seem illogical. You see, one thing remains the same on the testimony. As you remember, he told us that Frank was dating Daniel's sister before his death. Try to think about it the way I do. There are tons of possibilities and hypotheses about this. What if Lombardo had something to do with the diamonds, too? What if he had a plan with Marge based on those diamonds? Do you understand what I'm trying to say, mister Fringe?

ALBERT: I have a clearer picture in my mind already.

HERBIE: I doubt that Daniel told us the whole truth. Something just seems to be wrong with him. I don't like that.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a place where Marge Greg was supposed to live. It was a six-story apartment. Herbie looked at the mailboxes. When he saw Marge Greg written on one of them, he stated with a mild laughter.

HERBIE: Daniel didn't give us a fake address, at least.

They entered the building and started looking for the story on which was Marge. Herbie suggested.

HERBIE: I'll take a look on the left door, you'll take a look on the right door. Is it okay for you?

ALBERT: Yes, it is, mister Fox.

They walked across the first story, then the second, third, fourth. On the fifth, Albert found a tag of Marge Greg.

ALBERT: Here she is!

HERBIE: Great, mister Fringe.

Herbie knocked on the door. After a while, an attractive, approximately forty-year-old woman opened the door. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was very fit and she had a soft voice. She looked at the detectives with horror in her eyes and asked.

MARGE: Who are you?

HERBIE: Detective Herbie Fox. This is my detective partner, Albert Fringe. We would like to ask you a few questions.

With a surprise and not saying a word, she let them both into her flat. When they sat down on her sofa, she asked a question.

MARGE: Would you like something to drink?

HERBIE: No, thank you. Sit down, please.

MARGE: As you say so, mister Fox.

She sat down on the sofa and Herbie started talking.

HERBIE: We're investigating a murder of Frank Lombardo. Could you please tell us where were you last night? Do you know something about yesterday's arrangements of Frank Lombardo and Daniel Greg?

With tears in her eyes, she wondered.

MARGE: Frank... Frank is dead?

HERBIE: I'm afraid so, missis Greg.

Marge started crying with her face covered in her palms. After a while, Herbie and Albert started looking at each other. Herbie decided to calm down Marge.

HERBIE: Listen to me, Marge. I do realize that this is a big tragedy for you, but we need as much information from you to solve the case of his murder and catch the murderer. So please, answer me, Marge. What can you tell us about Frank and Daniel’s night out yesterday?

Marge started wiping out tears from her face with her hands but she could only speak with crying.

MARGE: I know... I know that... I know that they went to the bar. Frank called me and told me that he was going there with Daniel and that he was coming to visit me afterwards. He also told me that he might go home, so I didn't get nervous when he wasn't arriving.

HERBIE: Can you describe Frank?

MARGE: Do you mean his character and things like that?

HERBIE: Yes, missis Marge. I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

MARGE: Frank... I don't know how to describe him. People had mixed opinions about him. If I were to generalize, I would possibly say that he was a weirdo.

HERBIE: What exactly do you mean by that?

MARGE: He had a quite strange attitude towards things. He was even mysterious in some ways. For instance, he never told me a lot about his intentions in certain situations. It may sound strange, but this was one of the reasons why I loved him so much. Sometimes he even scared me with his behavior. At other times, he had mood swings and was a bit aggressive. It was never anything serious, though.

HERBIE: Can you tell me more about your relationship?

MARGE: We dated for over a year. He even proposed to me, but I rejected it. I wanted to marry him after solving all his financial issues.

HERBIE: Financial issues?

MARGE: Yes, you see, he was an electrician. He could just barely pay the rent and sometimes, he even had to borrow money from his mother in order to do it.

HERBIE: Could you give me an address of his mother?

MARGE: You'll need to wait for a moment. I'll fetch my phone book.

Marge stood up from her chair. After a while, she brought her phone book and put it on the table. She started looking for a piece of paper. Herbie told Albert.

HERBIE: You know what to do.

Albert gave the notebook to Marge with the same words as the last time.

ALBERT: Try to write it as clearly as possible, please.

Marge wrote down the address and returned the pen and notebook to Albert.

MARGE: Here you are.

Herbie continued.

HERBIE: Thank you, missis Marge. We shall continue now. There is one question that bothers me the most. What can you tell us about the diamonds?

MARGE: What diamonds?

Herbie looked at Marge with anger.

HERBIE: Don't play any games with us, missis Marge. I'm talking about the diamonds, which caused your brother and you to have a feud.

MARGE: Oh, yes, I know. Excuse me. I didn't know what diamonds you're talking about at first.

Herbie gave a scorned expression and stated.

HERBIE: Tell me everything you know about the diamonds. I know it's complicated, but we need to hear your version.

MARGE: Our mother, Evelyn, died a few weeks ago. She owned a lot of diamonds. I was born after my brother and he found out that her will does not say anything about who shall get the diamonds.

HERBIE: Do you know something about the value those diamonds might have?

MARGE: I'm not very good at these things. I don't think they are valuable very much, but maybe I'm wrong. On the other hand, my brother is greedy for money. I'm afraid that he might sell them right away when he gets them. It wouldn't be fair to our mother. She treasured them like gold for her entire life! Needless to say, I think that my brother will forcefully get them and I won't be able to do anything about it.

HERBIE: So you don't know anything about their value?

MARGE: Not a financial one. Still, they mean a lot to me since my mother treasured them so much throughout her life.

Herbie looked at the ground and mumbled.

HERBIE: That son of a bitch!

Marge got surprised and asked.

MARGE: Pardon?

HERBIE: I'm sorry, missis Marge. I have a feeling that your brother is keeping something in secret.

MARGE: Like what?

HERBIE: To be honest, I think that your brother wants those diamonds because of their value. Is there some connection between Frank and the diamonds?

MARGE: Well, sort of. In my mother’s will, there is a statement, which says that the child who is married should inherit more.

HERBIE: And you claim that you did want to marry Frank.

MARGE: Yes, I did. I only refused his proposal because of the complicated situations going on right now.

HERBIE: I see. Is your brother married, missis Marge?

MARGE: He got divorced two years ago. Hannah is now his ex-wife.

HERBIE: It's not easy for me to say this, missis Marge, but the future of your brother looks questionable.

MARGE: Please tell me you're not seeing him as a suspect of Frank's murder!

HERBIE: I'm sorry, missis Marge, but yes. After hearing the testimonies, there is a cloud of doubt over the innocence of your brother.

Herbie stood up and looked around the room. Meanwhile, he told Albert.

HERBIE: It looks like we're moving on, mister Fringe.

Herbie came to the door and said.

HERBIE: Thank you, missis Marge. Take care of yourself.

As he was closing the door, Marge came and added with fear.

MARGE: Wait, mister Fox.

HERBIE: Yes, missis Marge?

MARGE: Promise me you won't arrest my brother. I really doubt that he would commit a murder!

HERBIE: Promises are to keep. Unfortunately, I can't keep this one, missis Marge.

Marge remained silent and Herbie left the apartment with Albert. When they got into the car, Herbie started thinking and Albert asked.

ALBERT: What are we going to do now, mister Fox?

Herbie looked at Albert and replied.

HERBIE: I'm thinking, mister Fringe. Needless to say, I suppose that Daniel is on thin ice already.

ALBERT: Do you think he's the murderer?

HERBIE: On one hand, something tells me that he is. On the other one, I don't think so. Even if the testimonies would fit together some pieces towards him, it still just doesn't make sense very much. Why would he put a daisy next to his body? Would he be able to murder a friend who was with him in the bar that same night? Would it be worth a few pieces of diamonds? Either someone lied to us about something or we're missing a lot of information.

ALBERT: Do you want interrogate Frank's mother?

HERBIE: I'm thinking about that. She may give us some insights, so I suggest doing that.

ALBERT: And what about Marge? Are you suspicious about her as well?

HERBIE: Of course. She might be involved in those diamonds even more than Daniel. Still, I trust her more than I trust Daniel. Anyway, don't worry about it. We're here to solve this murder.