The Mystery of Deadly Daisies by Steven Vagovics - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten


Malfred Ash

5 March 1947

Approximately fifteen minutes had passed and they arrived at the apartment. They found out that Malfred Ash lived on the third story. When they reached the door and knocked, noone opened. Herbie had heard some noise coming out of that door but he wasn't sure.

HERBIE: It seems like something happened last night, mister Fringe.

After a while, Herbie lost his patience and decided to do something.

HERBIE: I've had enough! Step out, mister Fringe! I'm going to make some noise!

ALBERT: What do you want to do, mister Fox?

Herbie made two steps back and kicked out the door with strong force.

HERBIE: If it's impossible with the good way, it's possible with the bad way! Come on in!

They both entered the flat and looked around. The phone started ringing and Herbie answered. The caller was a man.

HERBIE: Hello?

MAN: Is it you, Malfred? You sound different somehow. Are you ill?

HERBIE: Yes, I am. What do you want?

MAN: How's... the thing? Do you have those diamonds?

HERBIE: Excuse me?

MAN: Don't you know already? Those diamonds! Boss wants to do the barter already. Those Russians are impatient so you need to act quickly or we're all going to die! So, do you have them?

HERBIE: I'll call you up later.

Herbie slowly hung up and stated.

HERBIE: We have the murderer, mister Fringe! Quickly, we need to find some evidence here and arrest him! Now! We don't have much time!

They both started to quickly research Malfred's flat. Albert found a box full of artificial daisies. He showed it to Herbie who shouted afterwards.

HERBIE: Quickly, grab one of them!

Albert grabbed a piece of daisy and gave it to Herbie. Herbie observed it carefully and noticed the number one written on it.

HERBIE: That son of a bitch! We're right! This piece of daisy is identical to the one found next to the Lombardo's body! Do you see this number one? It's exactly the same! We need more!

They continued searching. Herbie noticed Malfred's diary on the table. When he opened it, he saw a note that said DIAMONDS – FRANK LOMBARDO with the exact date and time when the murder occurred.  Herbie stated.

HERBIE: We got him! Look at this diary! See this note? It's exactly the date and time when the murder occurred!

ALBERT: I see. It was very irrational to take a note of something like that.

HERBIE: More! It's obvious that the reason of the murder were those diamonds.  I don't know how yet, but it's true! Let's look further!

Herbie flicked through the other pages of Malfred's diary and he found Charlie Crown's phone number, as well as Daniel Greg's. Afterwards, he opened a drawer and there were keys with a tag DIAMONDS on them.

HERBIE: It all makes sense! Charlie Crown made and gave a copy of the keys to the Lombardo's flat! Ash simply went to the flat when Lombardo wasn't at home and looked for the diamonds. Daniel Greg probably told him that he was the person who takes care of the ownership issue and Malfred misunderstood that by thinking that Lombardo owns the diamonds himself! Now, when Malfred didn't find the diamonds in Lombardo's flat, he took one of his knives and went to murder him! He probably noticed the magazine and left one of his artificial pieces next to the Lombardo's dead body. How awful! I suppose that Malfred Ash was the buyer mentioned in Daniel Greg's letter to Lombardo. Either way, Daniel Greg and Charlie Crown are getting charged as associates! Daniel doesn't even know how much he's involved in a murder of his friend. All right, mister Fringe. Let's go to the station! We don't know what Malfred Ash looks like so we can't catch him on our own.

They both left the flat and and as they were walking down the stairs, they saw a man in a green suit. He wore a hat and glasses. He had a thin figure. Herbie asked him.

HERBIE: Malfred Ash?

The man looked at the detectives with horror and ran away by his car. Herbie and Albert quickly followed and chased him. Herbie spoke to the transmitter.

HERBIE: This is Detective Fox, badge number 107. I need immediate backup on the Saint King Street! We're chasing the murderer of the Frank Lombardo case and he's heading towards the McCully Street! Be quick, the murderer can't escape! Do you copy?

ASSISTANT: Roger that! Sending backup to the McCully Street!

After a few minutes of furious chase, Malfred Ash, with the help of backup, pulled over. Herbie quickly got out of the car and went to Malfred with a gun in his hands along with the other officers. Malfred Ash got out and put his hands in the air.

HERBIE: Malfred Ash! You’re under arrest for the murder of Frank Lombardo! You have a right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you are being questions, if you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements. Do you understand? We have enough evidence against you! Don't even think about trying to run away again!

Herbie handcuffed Malfred and the police officers took him to the station. When they arrived, there was press all over the place already. Initially preparing for the press conference, when they saw a man in handcuffs, they all started asking questions and taking photographs.

REPORTER 1: Do you have the murderer of Frank Lombardo?

REPORTER 2: How did you manage to solve the case?

REPORTER 3: What evidence do you have?

Herbie decided to be silent and ignored the questions. They both went to the lieutenant's office, while the officers were leading Malfred Ash to the prison cell. The lieutenant saw them all and asked with a smile.

LIEUTENANT: Mister Fox, once again, I'm proud of you! How did you solve the case?

HERBIE: We found strong evidence in the flat of Malfred Ash and we heard a phone call intended for him. I need you to arrest Daniel Greg and Charlie Crown, too. They're associates in the murder. Their names were written down in Malfred Ash's diary!

LIEUTENANT: All right, mister Fox. I'll take care of that. So, could you explain the whole murder to me?

HERBIE: Of course. The motive of the murder was a desire for pieces of diamonds and money. Diamonds were a property of missis Greg, the mother of Daniel and Marge Greg. The only connection with Lombardo around those diamonds was missis Greg's last will, which contained a very important statement for Daniel and Malfred Ash. Daniel Greg wanted to sell the diamonds but he needed permission from Frank Lombardo. He couldn't make the barter without it. I even guess that he might have planned the murder. His sister refused to give him the permission and Frank supported her by doing the same thing. The strategy of Daniel Greg may have been to murder Frank Lombardo and to emotionally abuse Marge so he can receive the permission. He received an offer for two million dollars for the diamonds. The mafia was involved. The whole case is a one large chain. Daniel told Ash about the diamonds. Ash told the mafia about the diamonds. The mafia requested him soon after to commit the murder so they can do the barter. Ash's plan was simple. He thought that the diamonds are in Lombardo's flat. He requested keys from Charlie Crown, the caretaker. He was obviously a friend of Daniel Greg. Malfred wanted to take the diamonds from Lombardo's flat and do the barter as soon as possible. When he didn't find the diamonds, he decided to take a knife and murder Lombardo. Daniel Greg must have informed him about his meeting with Lombardo in the Lopez Hills Bar.

Albert added.

ALBERT: Lombardo had financial issues and he probably owed money to Malfred Ash. Debts, hazard, and diamonds caused Lombardo's death with a final act from Malfred Ash.

Herbie got surprised.

HERBIE: Excellent, mister Fringe. It looks like you've learned something!

Albert smiled and the lieutenant said.

LIEUTENANT: Great job, detectives! Ash will be in jail for at least twenty years! The judge will decide about everything, even about the fate of Daniel Greg and Charlie Crown. All right. Albert Fringe, I'm giving you a raise! I see that your partnership is successful and you certainly deserve it! You can go, detectives. Your work here is done!

The court sentenced Malfred Ash for fifteen years of prison. Daniel Greg got sentenced for five years of prison and Charlie Crown got sentenced for one year of community service. Marge Greg got married again a year later. She received the diamonds and they never got sold.