The Mystery of Deadly Daisies by Steven Vagovics - HTML preview

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Chapter One


Honolulu, Hawaii

4 March 1947

The night was falling down to a late midnight hour. Two friends, Frank and Daniel, were just leaving the local bar called Lopez Hills. With a high level of alcohol in their veins, they were walking around and talking.

DANIEL: Are you going straight home, Frank, or are you going to visit Marge first?

FRANK: I will probably go and see Marge first. I do not think she will be happy to see me like this, though.

DANIEL: Tell her that I still do not know anything about the jewels.

FRANK: Gee, I told you a thousand times already, they belong to her and not to you!

DANIEL: They belong to me! She just took them from me!

FRANK: Give her a break! She's your sister, man! The testament gave her the same rights to your mother's possessions as it did to you!

DANIEL: That doesn't mean she can just take them from me! I worked hard for that jewelry. I'll even sue her, if necessary!

Frank got a burst of anger when he heard these words.

FRANK: You didn't do anything for them! Please, just leave me alone. I don't want to argue with you now!

DANIEL: You just say that because she's your girlfriend! You would agree with me if it wasn't so!

FRANK: That's not true!

DANIEL: You bet it is! In addition, you can't even admit that you're interested about their value, too!

Suddenly, Frank didn't know what Daniel was talking about. That was because only Daniel knew about the true value of the jewels of his mother.

DANIEL: You're just a hypocrite, you know that, Frank?

FRANK: That's enough! Get out of my sight!

Daniel left and Frank was heading to his car. As he was pulling out his car keys, a mysterious man appeared in the darkness, dressed in a brown suit. From the distance, he was speaking to Frank.

MAN: Do you really want to continue playing games?”

Frank looked around.

MAN: Yes, I'm talking to you, Frank Lombardo.

Frank got scared stiff and with a fear in his voice, he answered the question.

FRANK: Please, sir! I don't know about anything! How do you know my name?

The man continued.

MAN: I know a lot about you! That's why you have to pay!

Frank, being drunk, only saw a silhouette of a man walking fast towards him. When he saw a knife in his hands, he began to shout from his entire lungs.

FRANK: No, please don't do it, I beg you!

The man stabbed Frank three times in his stomach. As his body was lying on the ground, entirely soaked in blood, the man put a piece of daisy next to his head. Afterwards, he quickly ran away. Frank's dead body stayed lying there.