The Road to Eden is Overgrown by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Whilst the aircraft moved slowly from its gate, Nicks watched two suits and a uniform escort Ackermann from the adjacent Berlin flight and stride across the tarmac towards the terminal building. He allowed himself a little smile, removed his earphone and turned off his iPod, directing his attention to the flight safety demonstration. He felt it was incumbent upon him to do so, seeing as they were always kind enough to provide it.

As they trudged up the stairs, Degsy explained to the hapless Dieter how the procedure would unfold and the possible consequences should things not be as the German was insisting. Thurstan stopped on one of the half-landings and watched an aircraft taxi out towards the runway.

“Where’s that one going to?” he called to the accompanying Security Officer.

The security man turned and came back down the steps to be alongside the DCI. “What? That one there?” He pointed at the same aircraft the nodding Thurstan had enquired about.

“Palma de Mallorca,” he said and, readying his pass, scuttled back up the stairs to join the others, now waiting at the security door. Thurstan followed him slowly. “Don’t take him to the SB office, Derek,” he called. “Use Security’s.”

Once ensconced away from prying eyes, Thurstan told Degsy to carry out the necessary checks via the MIT office.

“They want to know if they should unload his hold luggage,” the Security man asked.

“Basically, you mean how long is he going to be? Tell them not to do it for now. I just need to check something out, then I’ll confirm. Give me 10 minutes. Derek, I’m off to the airline desk.”

Degsy looked up. “That’ll be great, do that then,” he said into the phone as he nodded back to Thurstan.

Ten minutes later, Thurstan returned. “Any news?”  he asked.

“Yes, Boss,” Degsy replied. “By a stroke of luck, Gandalph was speaking on the phone to an on-duty German mate of his when I called him. They’re both in the IPA. He’s been able to shortcut the checks on Mister Ackermann here. Checks out okay, here and there. Not known.”

Thurstan smiled: “Well, young Mister Ackermann, I’m sorry we delayed you and I do apologise for the inconvenience caused. This Security Officer will escort you back to your plane. Have a safe flight and I hope all goes well at home.” He nodded to the Security man who escorted the relieved German from the office.

Degsy looked at the DCI who shook his head. “No, Derek, I doubt we’d gain anything further from him if we took him into custody. I think what he’s been telling us is the truth. Besides, I’ve just had a look at the passenger list for the other flight that was leaving as we came back into the terminal. Nickson was on it. Using his own details and sitting in the same bloody seat.”

“Should we get him pulled when it lands, do you think, Boss?”

“No. We’re still in the same boat. No hard evidence and you need at least something if you’re going to extradite someone.” He shook his head sadly as he rubbed his chin. “No, best to let it be for the time being. Come on! Let’s get back.”

Walking through the terminal towards the exit Degsy said: “It’s my fault, Boss. I should have thought this out better. I should have thought out of the box.”

Thurstan shot him a glance and smiled. “It’s not your fault Derek. It would have been foolish not to have gone for it. Anyway, it’s not easy to ‘think out of the box’ when you don’t know you’re in one.” He let out a little laugh. “We did exactly what he wanted us to do and I don’t think he was taunting us, if that’s what you’re thinking. No. He wanted us to know he’s left but he didn’t want us to be there, not right there, when he did. I think we’ve just witnessed the difference between a concert pianist and Chas and Dave.” 

“I don’t suppose we’re the concert pianist, are we, Boss?” Degsy replied with a slight smile.

“Most probably not, Derek,” Thurstan said, patting him on the back as they left the building. “Most probably not.”