The Road to Eden is Overgrown by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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p.m. 12th May 2014

Striding across the main office, he’d almost made it to the exit when Arthur hailed him.

“Thurstan! Phone.” He held it up to reinforce the message.

Thurstan sighed, then called: “Tell whoever it is I’ll phone them back in 30 minutes.”

Arthur shook his head. “I think you should take this now. It’s Bill Cheesewright and it’s important.” 

Bill Cheesewright was the DCI running the St.Helens murders enquiry.  Thurstan huffed and pointed back to his office.  The phone rang as he entered. He looked back at Arthur who nodded feverishly in return.

“Bill! Thurstan. To what do I owe the pleasure?” he said affably.

“Hello, Thurstan,” Bill replied. “I assume from your greeting you’re not aware.”

“Aware of what?” Thurstan said as he made himself comfortable in his swivel chair.

Bill laughed.

“I thought as much. It’s the way they’ve sent out the notification, you know, the one regarding your alley victim’s DNA profile?  Now, would I be right in suggesting the one you received simply told you they’d profiled him and he’s not known?”

Thurstan’s interest was aroused.

“Yes, you’d be absolutely right. Are you going to tell me otherwise, Bill?”

“I am indeed, mate. I received a similar notification.” He paused and Thurstan could hear him saying: “Two sugars, please” before he continued. “But mine tells me who he is.”

Thurstan leaned forward, elbows on his desk. “And who is he, Bill?”

“Thank you, just put it there,” he heard Bill whisper before saying: “Well, it’s not so much who he is, Thurstan, but what he is.” A pause. “He’s our serial killer, mate.”