The Road to Eden is Overgrown by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Thursday 15th May 2014

“The problem is the Chief blows hot and cold. When he’s on his cold cycle, meetings can be somewhat tense. That’s why the senior management avoids them if they possibly can and sends ‘rent a sucker’ instead.”

Degsy took another bite of his spicy chicken wrap, chewed thoughtfully then said: “Can’t be that bad, surely?”

“Easy for you to say, Derek. You don’t have to go to them,” Thurstan replied lifting the top layer of bread from his egg mayonnaise sandwich and powdering the contents with black pepper before flattening the bread back in place and taking a mouthful.

Degsy swallowed hard and took a swig from his glass of milk.

“Technically, Boss, neither do you. Should be the Super, shouldn’t it?”

Thurstan wiped some stray egg mayonnaise from his chin with his serviette. “Full marks for spotting that. You’re quite correct, but he’s an awfully busy man, apparently.”

Degsy looked back at him incredulously, “Really? What with?”

The DCI took another mouthful of sandwich and washed it down with a sip of coffee. He thought for a moment then said, “Golf, I think.”

Degsy smiled. “Anyway, it’s a ‘one on one’ isn’t it, Boss? More civilised,” he concluded.

“You’d like to think so,” laughed Thurstan, “but there’s nowhere to hide. No one else there to deflect his attention.”

They both looked up, suddenly aware Chalkie was joining them.

“What’ve you got today?” Thurstan enquired.

He sat down. “Beef stroganoff and rice. Thought I’d give it a go. Looked nice. How come you’ve not gone for it?”

Thurstan peppered his second sandwich. “They were changing the trays over and I couldn’t be bothered to wait. I’ve been summoned to see the Chief at three.”

Chalkie casually checked his watch and slid the tray to the far end of the table, rearranging his plate and mineral water before taking a mouthful of food. He chewed in silence for several moments.

“Mmmm. You missed out. It’s really good.”

Thurstan chewed his sandwich thoughtfully. “Is Lizzie on duty yet? I thought she might have come down here with you?”

Chalkie scooped up some beef with his fork and waved it towards Thurstan. “You really should have had this. Yeah, she is, but I had to send her out on an enquiry.” He opened the mineral water which fizzed and spluttered into his lap. “What’s the Chief want, do you know? McMahon job?” he said as he wiped the residue off his trousers with his hand then took a swig.

Thurstan shot Degsy a glance. “I expect so,” he said.

As Chalkie slowly replaced the bottle top, Thurstan’s and Degsy’s eyes met and the DS gave an almost imperceptible shrug. “Look, can we move to that table over there in the corner? I need to tell you something, Chalkie. Well, we need to tell you something,” Thurstan said apologetically.

A smile flickered across Chalkie’s lips. “Yeah, no problem.”

Safely ensconced in the quiet far reaches of the HQ canteen, Thurstan and Degsy told him everything.

“I knew something was going on,” he chuckled, waving his forefinger when they’d finished. “And I’ve got to say, I understand totally why you wanted to keep it under wraps for so long. I’d have done exactly the same thing. Honestly, I’ve got no problems with it at all.” He glanced at his watch. “If you have to see the Chief at three, you’d better get a move on.”

Thurstan looked at his wrist. “I’ve got another five minutes yet,” he said.

Chalkie grinned, offering the bottle of mineral water “You’ll need five minutes to get that egg stain off your lapel. Here, use this, works for me.”