The Road to Eden is Overgrown by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Thurstan read the victim’s profile while the rest of the management team sat in silence. Chalkie methodically dipped a custard cream.  Eventually, the DCI leant back:

“It beggars belief. How could this man be a candidate for early release? A mother and three kids? What he did was horrendous.”

Chalkie spoke first.

“I’ve made some enquiries there and it seems it’s all part of a new experimental release programme. He was judged not to be a threat to the Public, the one stipulation being he had to be as far away from the victim’s family as possible and Liverpool fitted the bill.”

“He might not have been a threat to the public, but he was certainly a threat to the next mother and kids he latched onto.” Picking up the small bottle of mineral water from his desk, Thurstan struggled to release its top. Lizzie leant across, took it from him, twisted the cap and placed it back on the desk. “Thanks, Liz,” he said absently before continuing. “Surely the PPU should have known about him?”

“They did. They were told yesterday.” Chalkie replied.

The DCI pointed to the file in front of him.  “But this says he’s been here a week!”

“It seems someone was a bit lax in notifying them. They’re looking into it. Apparently, it’s never happened before.” Chalkie dropped his papers onto the coffee table. “They’re definitely not happy at all. I know the DI there and she’s not one to be messed with. It will be followed up.”

Degsy chipped in. “Is that the little one with the eclectic clothing?”

Chalkie nodded. Degsy chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve seen her about. Attractive but I wouldn’t want to fight her.”

Thurstan pushed the victim file to one side. “What’s the score with the ‘hostel’ he was staying in, Derek? How come he’s wandering around at that time of night?”

“Again, experimental, Boss. Worked on trust. They have their own keys and self-contained flats. There’s four of them at this place on Allerton Road. Well, three of them now. Very low key. The neighbours seem to think it’s to do with drugs rehabilitation. They’re not entirely happy but I think if they knew what it was really about they’d see their arses. His room’s still being turned over but early indications are he’s already been researching local dating sites. Lonely mums, that sort of thing.”

“Anything from the teams yet?” He looked at Chalkie who shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah, I’ll be surprised if we get anything but it’s got to be done. I even asked for Forensic to check the toothbrush for DNA just in case. I’d hate to think what we didn’t do was more significant than what we did.” Thurstan ran his hand through his hair. “Look, if anyone disagrees with me about Nickson, please say so now?”  They looked at each other and shook their heads. “I’m certain it’s him. If nothing else, the toothbrush confirms it. He’s back. I don’t know how he’s doing it, but he’s back. I want a full intel check, anybody with sound contacts in SB then use them, any contacts anywhere let’s use them. We won’t expand the house-to-house, I don’t see the point, in fact, once we’ve completed the immediate area let’s close it down because I’ve decided to come at this from a different angle.

“I’m sick of chasing him around. I want to identify any potential targets and see if we can’t get one step ahead and be there when he does the next one. It’s going to mean a lot of extra work. A lot of hours. The only thing I’ve got for you and your families is just sit back and think of the overtime money at Christmas.” He stood up, putting on his jacket. “Right, I have to go. The Chief Constable wants to see me.” He patted Chalkie on the shoulder as he walked past. “Make it so, number one.”

“Chief Con not happy?” Chalkie enquired.

Thurstan turned in the doorway. “Do know what? I think he’s enjoying it.”