The Road to Eden is Overgrown by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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In the Ship and Mitre, Don sipped his glass of Fruli. “It’s really pleasant. I don’t know why I haven’t tried it before.”

Nicks smiled, nodded appreciation and took a mouthful of his pint. Sitting in the shadows of the rear room, they were alone apart from a couple standing at the bar. Simon scuttled up the steps towards them.

“Apologies. A customer came in looking for a copy of Up and Running’s ‘Sorry’. I knew we had it on cassette somewhere but it took ages to find the little bugger. You two ok?” He pointed at their drinks. They nodded. A few minutes later, he placed his drink on the table, sat down, lay his coat on the empty seat next to him and said: “Ok, I’m ready.”