The Summer of 66 by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Bill: Old Bill-nickname for the British Police

 Bobby: British Police Officer – nickname

DG: Director-General

Fitty: British for 'an attractive woman'

GCHQ: Government Communications Headquarters

Governor: Met Police speak for Boss

Browning 9 milly: 9mm pistol

KGB: Soviet Secret Police

Kip: Sleep

Met: Metropolitan Police (London)

Naafi: Shops for British military

Nick: Police Station

NKVD:Forerunner of the KGB

Obs: Observations or surveillance

OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Plod: Nickname for uniformed Police

P&SS: Police and Security Services

RV: Rendezvous a meeting

Skipper: Met Police speak for Sergeant

SOE: Special Operations Executive

Sunray: Radio speak 'Commander/Leader'

Two bob: Two shilling piece

Two and six: Two shillings and sixpence

Wellies: Wellington boots (rubber waterproof boots)