The Summer of 75 by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


The information ‘Acrobat’ brought was disconcerting, to say the least. For some people it was good news, members of the Interior Ministry under suspicion had been saved the trauma of an investigation but now Drexler had a much more serious problem. One of their own was trying to defect and it was a big organisation.

“It is a shame that this woman died before she could say more. Klara Elenora Uhlmann, you say?”

Rupert nodded. “Yes, she’d be in her early seventies.”

Drexler shook his head. “It means nothing to me but often these people are not known to us by the names they use on the other side. When I find her, I will have at least one suspect, her handler.” He bit into the slice of cake he was holding. “Mmmm, this is good, are you sure you don’t want one?” Rupert shook his head and waved the offer away. Drexler continued, “This Baker fellow? You are certain about him? We must locate him again and have him back for another chat. Do you have a photograph?”

“Yes, I went back to the consulate today and took one with their instant camera, It was the best image they had of him on video. It’s not perfect but it should do.”

Drexler studied it for a few seconds.”Yes, it is what it is. We’ll circulate this to all crossing points and Police stations. If he crosses from the West, we’ll have him. I’m sure he’ll talk next time.” He slipped it into his jacket. “By the way, I have spoken to Colonel Radler and he has authorised me to act on his behalf. He sends his regards and speaks of you very highly. He told me to mention to you the time you spent together in Switzerland, he said he had fond memories.”

Rupert chuckled at the thought. “Yes, it was a very pleasant stay. The stories I could tell!”

Max smiled back, “I’m sure you could and I would be interested to hear them but I’m afraid I have limited time for such things at present. I have to speak to him again and will let him know your news.”

With a mental list of contacts that Drexler had supplied, Rupert made his way back to Checkpoint Charlie. He’d start trying to find ‘Baker’ from the convenience of a bar. The tourist map he’d found in Gally’s room had advertisements all around its edges. Four were for hotels. Knowing what both sides of his line of business were like for thrift, he discounted the most expensive one. His last call was successful. Yes, they had a Herr Baker staying there. Did he want to leave a message?

“No, it’s fine. I’m his cousin and I want to surprise him. It’s a special occasion.”

The fool hadn’t changed his name. This was going to be easier than he’d thought.