Three Little Lies by Melissa Wolff - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten


Why does Ethan have a set of skeleton keys? And why is he carrying it around with him? The chain dangled from my fingers over the counter as I studied the keys in my palm. It was unusual, that was for sure, and it gleamed against the kitchen lights. There weren't many places to use the keys like the one I was holding and I couldn't help but wonder what it went to. Is it another piece of memorabilia from his mother? Did she have a secret safe that only opened with these keys?

Whatever the keys were used for, it was obviously a secret or Ethan wouldn’t have tried to hide them. He wasn’t going to tell me the secret, no matter what I did to try to convince him to. I wonder how long it’s going to take until he notices that they’re missing. I needed to get the keys back into his room but it didn’t look like I was going to be going over there any time soon. Not if his father had any say in it. Why does he have so much control over you, Ethan? What are the two of you hiding?

Frustrated with Ethan and his father, I turned my attention back to the treasure in my hand. The keys were heavy too, not like any other keys that anyone else had. I could actually feel the weight of it as it lay in my palm. From what it looked like, Ethan carried it around with him everywhere which, in the Virginia heat, couldn't be comfortable. How did he keep the metal from burning his skin?

“Whatcha got there?” Rebecca asked as she came into the kitchen. She was huffing and her arms were full of groceries.

“Where's your prince charming?” I asked instead answering her question. “Shouldn't he be here, helping you carry all this crap into the kitchen?”

“I could ask the same thing about my little sister,” Rebecca replied as she gave me 'the look'. “Why don't you like Jacob, Amber? Ethan definitely likes him and Jacob hasn't been anything but nice to you since you got here. He's bent over backwards to try to make you happy and he tells me that every time he tries you just scoff at him. What's the deal?”

“I like him fine,” I lied. “Jacob is just over sensitive. You know that I'm sort of standoffish; I always have been. It's nothing against him; it's just how I am.” I couldn’t tell my sister about the situation with Jacob. No matter how many times I tried, I chickened out at the last second. She was happy with him…happier than I saw her in a while. I didn’t want to ruin that happiness and after the summer, I didn’t have to see much of Jacob. It was better to keep my mouth shut.

“But it's not how you are with Ethan.” Rebecca started pawing through the bags, organizing the groceries on the counter top. “From what I hear you’re little Miss Chatty Patty.” My cheeks burned. “What’s happened to Ethan anyway? Usually he’s around a lot more often.”

“He's just busy,” I said. “With his own family drama.” I didn't want to tell Rebecca anything about the kiss or the confrontation with his father. “But tell Jacob that he needs to get a thicker skin. I don't treat him any differently then I treat you, or Cheryl, or Dad. I hate everyone equally.” Rebecca rolled her eyes.

“Oh thanks,” Rebecca said. “I'm just so glad that you think so highly of us. It just makes me just want to melt inside. I'm so moved knowing how much you care about me. I think I might cry a little.”

“I'm glad I move you to tears.” I hopped off the chair, pocketing the key and chain. “I see that my work here is done.”

“Oh, you are oh so funny, Amber. So very, very funny.”

“And that's why you love me!” I called back to Rebecca as I danced into my room. Sitting on the bed, I pulled out Madison's journal, and just stared at it. After reading the harsh words the last time I opened the book I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it again.

Was I really up for hearing about how pathetic Madison thought I was? Could I really handle learning about all these dirt bags she played around with just for some extra money? Did I have the strength to accept that my friend wasn't who she said she was? But if I don't read this book, I may never find out what happened to her. For all I know, one of her Johns killed her and he would be in this book. I may not get his real name but a name, any name, would be helpful. It could be the guy named Bill for all I know.

Giving in, I flipped through the pages until I got to the very last