Treen Alee The Awakers of Grevelton by Michael Van Clyburn - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


After she’d finished reading, Treen smiled, yawned, then put her Bible on the nightstand. She then blew out the candles and submerged herself in the covers to pray for her family, the world — and especially Russell Wellbay. Her prayer was interrupted when the doorbell sounded.

“At this hour?” she groaned, rolling off the mattress and trudging to the intercom near the bedroom door.

“Alee residence,” she said, pressing the switch under the small speaker.

“Hello,” the voice buzzed, “This is Walter Wellbay. I realize it’s late, but it’s important that I speak with Edwin.”

“My father is out for the evening. Is there something I can do for you?”

“Hello, Treen. Well, you could accept my apology for my behavior this afternoon. You were trying to help Russell and I’m afraid I’ve made things worse because I can’t find him anywhere. Look, if he calls, just tell him I’m sorry and to please come home. Goodnight.” She listened to his footsteps fade down the walkway. Treen exhaled loudly. “You don’t know what you have until its gone cliché but true,” she murmured, dragging her feet back to bed. She climbed in and yanked the blanket over her head.

Just after two in the morning, Ariel arrived at the Sea Crystallore driving Edwin’s red 1936 Buick Roadmaster, which looked even more spectacular under the neon glow of the ship. Normally the car slept in the Smile Center garage, awakened only if the Alees required a chauffer, which wasn’t often since they both loved to drive and hardly ever drank.

However, after a long night of cocktails and dancing, Edwin and Elizabeth clapped when Ariel steered the Roadmaster into the restaurant parking area. Lance and Regina cheered as well since they’d also be catching a ride home.

Ariel stepped out into the breeze and opened the doors for everyone. Edwin, Lance, and Regina climbed in the backseat, full of late night cheer. Elizabeth quietly sat up front.

With Elizabeth nodding off next to him, Ariel drove toward St. Barron Road. A different atmosphere surged from the rear, where Edwin and Lance talked and laughed like old pals. Regina offered to move from the middle to the outside, but Edwin’s joke about her sitting in the road only made them laugh louder. They whooped it up all the way to the cul-de-sac.

With the Alees safe inside their home, Ariel drove off, listening as Lance directed him to the Newberry residence about a mile away. Ariel ground his teeth and squeezed the steering wheel when Lance called him “Driver.”

The stars and moonlit sky calmed Ariel somewhat, however the scenery couldn’t keep him from shifting his eyes to the cuddling couple in the rearview mirror. He’d always liked Regina, but froze when he tried to do anything about it. Although she’d caught him staring many times before, she probably figured it meant nothing since he just smiled, tipped his hat, and said hello. After all, Ariel did that with everybody.

“Edwin and Elizabeth are very special people,” said Lance, pulling Regina closer. “But I dislike their arrogant daughter.”

Bad mouthing Jazz was ill advised with Ariel around. He gripped the wheel even tighter and continued to listen.

“Arrogant?” asked Regina, backing away slightly. “Treen Alee is the least arrogant person you’ll ever meet. I think confident is the word you’re looking for. Besides, she had a hard day at the Smile Center,” she added, sliding further away.

“The Poor baby,” Lance snapped. Maybe her rough day will make her grow up even faster.” When Regina glared at him, he softened his tone. “Listen, all that really matters right now is you,” he said, before he leaned over and stunned her with a long kiss. Even after the smooch had ended, Regina’s eyes stayed shut and her mouth stayed open. Ariel ground his teeth once again and pressed harder on the gas. He could see the Newberry house ahead on the right and would definitely open the door for Lance preferably while the Roadmaster was still moving.

“Here we are,” said Lance as the car slowed to a halt. “Come inside for coffee. The Newberrys are visiting relatives.”

Regina locked eyes with Ariel in the mirror. Still fuming over Lance’s words, Ariel forgot all about being shy and stared back until she looked away.

“Thanks for the offer, Lance, but it’s been a long night. I know you’ve heard about a woman getting her beauty sleep.” Regina wasn’t glamorous or even the girl next door. She was more like, the cute woman two houses down.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said, leaning to kiss her again. Ariel had hurried outside to open Lance’s door.

“Why, thank you driver,” said Lance, stepping out. Ariel slammed the door.

“Having a bad night, driver?” asked Lance, grinning.

“We need to clear up a few things,” said Ariel, clenching his fists.

Lance rubbed his goatee. “It’s interesting that you think we need to do anything together — I don’t even know you.”

 “I heard them things you said about Treen. I didn’t like it.”

“What is this nonsense? Don’t take it out on me because you have no money and she’s too young to marry. Just shut up and drive. You are confusing me and getting on my nerves.” After a short glaredown between them, Ariel stepped closer for a few parting words.

“If Treen don’t like somebody, there’s usually something really wrong with ‘em,” he said quietly. “All I ask is you be gentlemanlike towards her especially when she ain’t around to defend herself. You have a good night,” he said, tipping his hat.

Regina had already moved to the front seat. As Ariel lowered himself into the car, she covered her ears and prepared for more door thunder; surprisingly, he closed it lightly then started the car. Lance glared from the sidewalk as they drove away.

“That looked like a serious conversation back there,” said Regina.

“Sort of,” replied Ariel with a no trespassing tone. When he realized he was sitting alone with her, he flashed a big smile and said, “Can I pick you up in the morning take you to get your car?”

Regina beamed. “That’d be really nice. But if you want to see tomorrow at all, you’d better watch the road.”

They talked non-stop until they reached her cottage. Regina grabbed his arm when he tried to get out and open her door. “You’ve done enough for one night,” she said. “See you in the morning.”

“Yes!” Ariel shouted, driving away. Picking her up in the morning wasn’t exactly a date, but it sure felt like it. He felt so incredible he tried to sing along with Prince’s Diamonds And Pearls playing on the radio. Luckily for the neighbors, the windows were up. Shortly after turning onto the freeway, Ariel noticed the blinking emergency lights of a stranded car in the distance. As he drove closer, he saw the white sedan halted at a sharp angle on the side of the road, the tail end sticking out into the highway.

He slowed down and steered close to the rear bumper, where the Roadmaster’s headlights revealed the shadowy shapes of people moving around inside. Ariel decided to check it out and if everything were all right, he’d politely ask them to at least park the vehicle straight.

 Ariel stepped out and could hear laughter as he approached the driver’s side of the crooked car. He kept a safe distance when the man inside began to rev the idling engine.

“Excuse me, you folks alright?” he shouted, leaning down.

“No we’re not all right!” said the man, who giggled and gripped the wheel with both hands. “We’re a mess. The world is a mess. Hey, did you see that pink giraffe? How about that, a pink giraffe on the highway!”

Even if there had been a pink giraffe strolling by, it would’ve been a miraculous observation since the man had his eyes shut. Was he drunk? To find out, Ariel moved closer.

Ariel could now see the woman in the passenger seat, who also laughed with her eyes closed. Suddenly, he recognized her, then looked at the man again. They weren’t strangers after all; they were the Newberrys the same people Lance had come to Mallyview to