Treen Alee The Awakers of Grevelton by Michael Van Clyburn - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Regina closed her umbrella and hurried through the entrance of Mallyview Hospital. When she’d reached the waiting area, she found Edwin and Elizabeth leaning on each other, sound asleep in their chairs. She then approached Ariel who stood near a window, gazing out into the Sunday morning rain.

“Morning, Regina,” Ariel said quietly when she stood next to him. “I apologize for not pickin’ you up.”

“I understand,” she said rubbing his arm. How is Treen?”

Dr. Moresky says she’s got a concussion but she’ll be fine.

Have a seat and I’ll tell you about last night.”

A Short time later, Elizabeth shifted her head and sat up to stretch. Edwin slumped forward but quickly snapped his head up and rubbed his eyes. “There’s plenty of java in the cafeteria,” said Ariel.

The Alees turned and smiled, happy see the rest of their family sitting behind them. Elizabeth cleared her throat and gave up trying to fix her hair. “Well what are you waiting for?” she asked cheerfully, “Lead us to the coffee pot.”

The cafeteria coffee smelled better than it tasted, but had enough caffeine to wake a dormant volcano. Edwin and Elizabeth looked refreshed even though they continuously rubbed their aching bones caused by the staircase tumble. Everyone discussed the Newberrys’ behavior, wondering why the nice family had flipped out.

“Maybe Lance can tell us more about what happened at the Newberrys’ house. Have you seen him today?” asked Edwin.

“I called, but no answer,” said Regina.

“Perhaps he was badly injured,” added Elizabeth, sounding skeptical.

“He traveled all the way from France, only to have his friends turn on him then they wind up dead. He must be devastated,” said Edwin, who like Regina, didn’t seem to suspect any misconduct on Lance’s part.

Ariel sat quietly. Like Elizabeth, he was probably thinking about one thing: The fact that Treen had been edgy about Lance since she’d met him. Until the police had more information about the Newberrys’ bizarre behavior, they’d worry about Edwin and Regina’s involvement with Lance Ruof.

During the second round of bad coffee, Dr. Moresky came into the cafeteria to inform everyone that Treen had awakened. She asked that they visit her two at a time and reminded them to speak softly. Edwin suggested that Ariel and Regina go in first since they both had to leave soon.

“Yuck,” whispered Treen after a sip of coffee. She glared into the full cup before putting it back on the tray, then set the whole thing food and all back on the table beside her bed. Of the few things she was picky about, coffee was one of them. She forgot about the bad java when the door opened slightly and Ariel peeked inside.

“Get in here!” Treen said happily. She didn’t look or act anything like Dr. Moresky had mentioned, but then again, her family always made her cheerful. She smiled when Regina nudged Ariel aside and darted past him.

“Thank god you’re alright,” said Regina, bending to hug her. When Ariel’s turn came, they smiled at each other for a moment.

“Are we still having self-defense class today?” Treen asked.

He laughed, removed his Stetson, then kissed her on the cheek.

Ariel moved two chairs next to the bed and they sat discussing the Newberrys. Treen was careful not to say anything negative about Lance. In fact, she didn’t even mention him. It wasn’t fair to assume anything, even with her bad vibes. Regina did mention again that she hadn’t spoken to him since he stepped out of the Roadmaster the night before. But not to worry; the door to Treen’s room began to open slowly and surprisingly Lance stuck his head inside.

Regina politely excused herself then rushed over like he’d been missing for weeks. Treen glared at Lance as if he was a huge pot of that hospital coffee and Ariel squeezed the sides of his hat. Gradually the door closed and the lovebirds took their whispers out into the hallway. Treen and Ariel read each other’s mind.

“Your dad really likes Lance. Said he wants him to manage the Grevelton store.”

“Yes, I know,” she said rubbing her earlobe. Let’s try something: follow Lance around today. After what happened last night

Suddenly Regina stepped back into the room. Ariel nodded to acknowledge Treen’s instructions, then stood from the bed and put on his hat.

“He’d like to come in and say hello,” said Regina, sounding diplomatic.

Ariel nodded. “I’ll step out,” he said, moving towards the door.

Lance peered through the narrow window until Ariel pulled the door open and walked out. Now they stood face to face.

“Rough night?” asked Ariel. “That’s an understatement.”

“Make your visit a quick one.”

“Planned on it.”

“Good. I’ll be standin’ right here.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” Lance brushed by him and strolled inside.

Regina stood from the bed when Lance walked in. Treen sat up when he approached with the obvious question: “How are you feeling?”

“Fine. I heard that you were also injured.”

It is nothing serious.”

“Have you spoken to the police?”


“The truth will eventually come out — it usually does.”

“You are absolutely right. I am happy to see that you are doing well. Take good care of yourself.”

“Don’t worry I will.”

Regina ignored their plastic exchange then said, “Sweety I’ll come back later. I love you.” She kissed Treen’s forehead, then followed Lance out the door. Treen could only pray for Regina’s safety until Ariel had more information about Lance Ruof.