Treen Alee The Awakers of Grevelton by Michael Van Clyburn - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


On the second floor of the factory, Lance and Mr. Wellbay sat inside the room where they’d found the open boxes and they’d been arguing every since the Ecnal guards had chased the intruders downstairs. It didn’t appear that Mr. Wellbay was in charge because two Ecnal guards stood blocking the doorway not to mention that those same guards had dragged him into the room when he tried to help Russell.

“I’m asking you for the last time, Lance. Why are the Ecnals trying to kill my son?” shouted Mr. Wellbay, slamming his fist on the table.

“I’m curious to know what would happen if I didn’t answer,” said Lance. However, since I’m tired of your whining I will tell you even though it should be obvious,” he said, standing.

“Because of you and your little nuisance, everything is behind schedule. The construction of this factory would be complete if you would’ve delivered the updated Ecnal and Arast designs on time.”

“What does that have to do with Russell?”

“Are you stupid? You run off everyday to snatch the little brat from trouble and you waste everybody’s time. When the little punk ran away from home, I knew you’d start your bloodhound sniffing right out of work again so I decided to do you a favor and get rid of him. BIG DEAL. You really should consider it a favor especially since the little brat broke in here.”

“You decide nothing when it comes to my family!” said Mr. Wellbay storming up to him.

“Walter, did you know that Mr. Blue had Tsara arouse your punk kid so he’d stay away from his daughter? I believe her name is Gail isn’t it?”

“You’re lying!”

“Afraid not. Besides, what reason do I have to lie? All I did was program the Ecnals to kill your son and Blue would care less if he found out especially after Russell put his slimy hands on little Gail. We need finish the factory and continue the distribution of the Merafuel — a task made easier if you’d get your family crap together.”

Mr. Wellbay suddenly grabbed Lance by his lapels. “You hurt my son and I’ll shut you down, you understand?” he shouted, face turning redder as the door opened.

“What’s going on in here?” asked Tsara, strutting in between the guards. “Looks like he’s angry with you Lance.” Mr. Wellbay shoved Lance backwards.

“Now Walter, you wouldn’t kill a pitiful android like me would you?” asked Lance, fixing his tie and chuckling. He then grew silent and pointed towards him. “Grab me like that again and I’ll rip your head off.”

“That’s awesome Lance,” said Tsara. When will you program me to talk that way? I’m tired of being a wimpy Arast droid. Besides, I’ll bet I could do a better job than your Ecnals did downstairs.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Lance.

 “Have you been too busy to interface with the guards?” she asked.

“Tsara, shut up and tell me what happened.”

“But I don’t have interface capabilities so how do I shut up and still explain what happened?”

Lance stormed up to her.

“Alright, alright, calm down!” she said, hands up in front of her. “Driving back from Ding Palace I saw some of the guards running away from the graveyard. They told me that Russell, Sheridon and two others had broken into the factory, and that all of them had escaped. Oh, by the way, the Ecnal Grizzly broke its neck inside the storage shed, and there’s two dead Ecnals hanging around the front door. It looks like they lost a battle with the forklift.”

“You interfaced with the Grizzly and ordered it to attack my son?” said Mr. Wellbay, rising slowly.

Lance rubbed his goatee and walked away from Tsara. He stopped near a battered wall, put his hands on his hips, then leaned his face close to the jagged surface. “They look like, tiny, snow covered mountains,” he said, tapping the pointy concrete. Then, he cocked his arm back and slammed his fist into his imaginary Alps, the snow sprinkling down from the large crater now in the wall.

“Haven’t you done enough damage to yourself already?” asked Mr. Wellbay, unimpressed by Lance’s display of strength.

“It’s nothing compared to what I’m going to do to the idiot Ecnals who let them get away,” he said, rubbing the torn silicone covering his knuckles. “It’s Treen Alee. I’m sure of it. She thwarted the hospital hit and now she’s found her way here.

“If she’s with Sheridon we have big problems because he’s been asking a lot of questions,” said Tsara.

“Like what?” asked Mr. Wellbay.

“Like, why was I in Mallyview at three in the morning when I was supposed to be at Ding Palace.”

“What were you doing in Mallyview?”

Lance, haven’t you told him anything?”

“Shut up, Tsara,” he said, turning towards Mr. Wellbay.

“I called Tsara after the Newberrys went on their infamous rampage. I had her come and pick up their stupid daughter.”

 “What do want with Natalie Newberry?”

“Nothing. However, since she and her dead parents decided to help themselves to my Merafuel, I figured I’d get rid of her along with the Alees on Wednesday. She’s being held at the Grevelton Lab along with what’s that stupid detective’s name?”

“Redworc,” said Tsara.

“I’ve heard enough of this nonsense. You two are going to get me put in jail. I’m going back to Mallyview. I’ll speak with Mr. Blue later on today, but until then, keep the Ecnals away from my son.” As Mr. Wellbay approached the door, the guards blocked his path.

“Let him through,” said Lance, watching until the guards separated and Mr. Wellbay stormed out.

You two are going to get me put in jail,” said Tsara in a deep voice, mocking Mr. Wellbay. “He’s such a wimp.”

“Yes, but unfortunately, he’s a wimp that we still need.”

“Want me to call off the hit on his son?”


“Want me to find Sheridon?”

“No. I already know where he is; Treen Alee, Ariel Carson and Russell Wellbay have taken him to the Grevelton clinic. I’ve just messaged the Ecnal guards to go and kill all of them.”

“Your interfacing!” Please Lance, set me up for interfacing.”

“Why, so you can bother me all the time?”


“I’ll think about it. Right now I must leave for Mallyview. I have an unscheduled appointment with Edwin and Elizabeth Alee.”