Twelve Forty-two North Seventy-five Seventy-three East by Alvin Joseph K. - HTML preview

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JOE and Lisa had left the hairpins and the highlands of Madikeri. They were approaching the Mysore-Mangalore highway .For the first time in their journey together, Lisa was the one who didn’t have a clue where they were going. Joe was taking her some place safe, but he wouldn’t tell her where. A sweet and harmless revenge.

The sunset was approaching and once again Joe found himself in his car with Lisa. Except for some random comments on traffic, Lisa didn’t talk much. What happened earlier in the day had really shaken her. A long ride with her was always his dream. But not like this. He had pictured it happier .Lisa sitting beside him with her enchanting smile. It was her smile that attracted him to her. The thought about ride together made him take a ride down the memory lane. Their first real interaction.

Joe was walking past the college Library. It was his first year in college and it had only been a few days since the classes started. A sweet voice calling out his name brought him back from the world of thoughts.

“Joe, Joe one minute”. It was Lisa. She came running towards him from the library.” Can I use your library card to borrow a book? I have already borrowed two books and I need this book”. She paused for a moment. ”Only if it’s okay with you”

“It’s not been two weeks since we got our library card and you have already taken two books? Asked Joe with absolute amazement

“Well, books are kind of my thing. Do you mind?”

“Oh no, here take it”. Joe held out his library card.” “Thanks, I’ll return it right away”.

Lisa almost started walking and Joe said” you can give it back tomorrow or sometime else I really have to get going”

“Yeah, sure thing”.

And that was it .A brief meeting. It was after this that Joe started having feelings for her.

Putting an end to the silence, Lisa finally spoke .But she sounded troubled.

“Joe, could you go slower’’

Joe looked at the odometer. He was only approaching ninety kilometres per hour and there was not much traffic on the highway. Releasing the accelerator he asked

“What happened?”

“I ...Uh...Am mildly Dystychiphobic. No big deal”

“What phobic?” Joe’s eyebrows arched upwards.

“Dystychiphobia means fear of accidents.”

“There is a phobia for accidents?” His eyebrows arched again.

After a pause, he asked,” How did it start?”

“That’s a story”

“I like stories. Mind sharing? We’ll be spending some more time on the road.”

“Okay, if you insist” Lisa took a deep breath and continued “Papa and I were going to his colleague’s daughter’s wedding or that’s what he said. Anyway, I was maybe 10.we were to rendezvous with the wedding convoy midway because we didn’t know the rest of the route. But we started out late, so drove fast, very fast. Everything happened so quickly. Bus stop at a blind curve. He hit the brakes hard, but it wasn’t good enough. Into the back of the bus. I thought I was dead.

“Anything serious?”

“No. Not really, I was keeping my hands on the dashboard so I fractured them. But the trauma never left. Ever since that I have been afraid of speed.”

“But you do drive well”

“Well, I don’t go above fifty”

“Good driving is not always about crossing hundred. Anyone with a fast car and a good road in front of him can do that .It’s about how you handle your car, your presence of mind and how comfortable the people sitting beside you and outside the car are when you are at the wheel. I think you do that well and if you didn’t have this problem, I’m sure that you would have been good at speeds too.”

“Flattering me will do you little good”

“I was serious about that.” Joe’s gaze fell upon the rear view mirror. “What the…”A black customized SUV with vinyl all over it was making its way through the traffic with one half in one lane and the other in the adjacent lane almost ramming the other vehicles. 

“What”? Lisa was suddenly alarmed.

“Look back. See the black SUV?”

“What’s with this guy? “She paused to observe the SUV.

“Jesus! He is coming right at us, Joe. Do something”

The SUV came right at them like he had the intension to ram them. Joe swiftly switched the lane and stepped on the accelerator. But the SUV had no intention of leaving them. Joe made his way, dodging the vehicles, but the SUV was right on his tail. Lisa was starting to have the effects of Dystychiphobia. Short breaths and shivering. But he could not slow down. Not now. They came upon a bus on the left lane and a truck on right lane ahead of the bus such that there is enough space between them for a car to just overtake the bus. Joe overtook the bus at the first opportunity. But before the SUV could make a move as the truck driver slowed down preparing for the U-turn, he was going to make leaving the SUV boxed inside. Though it didn’t last long, it gave Joe enough time to get a good distance ahead of the SUV.

“You okay Lisa?” Joe slipped in a question in the little time he got.

“Water... Water” Lisa managed to get two words out. Joe checked for the bottle of water that he had bought on his journey to meet her at St Thomas church in the storage space on the door on his side .He found the bottle with one-fourth of water in it. It was never going to be enough. He handed it over to her thinking better than nothing. She finished it in one go.

“Shit, it’s back again” grieved Joe spotting the SUV once again in the rear view mirror. But still there was a good distance between them, but it was catching up. “Ah, great!” He whined seeing that they were coming upon a signal with less than ten seconds and counting down before it turns red.

“We’re…. Not…. Going to… get through” Lisa uttered in spite of her condition.

“We have to. We’re not left to the luxury of choosing. So close your eyes and hang on tight. I am going to get us through.” Saying this Joe turned on the headlamps and floored the accelerator. “God, I always wanted to do this”. Joe exclaimed. Like it’s said ‘be careful what you wish for’

The sun had almost disappeared. The sky appeared pale orange and the birds were flying home. When the whole nature was preparing for the impending night, Joe was trying to get himself and the love of his life out of the hold of whoever that was in the black SUV. His car raced through highway with the intention of getting through that signal without seeing a red light. Lisa probably understanding there was no space for and argument and also owing to the condition that her phobia put her in, remained silent with her eyes forced shut and holding onto the set as tightly as she could .As the red LED display changed 8….7…6…., Joe’s heart beat quickened but all he could hear was the roaring of the engine and the persistent sound of the horn.

The moment the light turned yellow, the car crossed the signal. But the SUV couldn’t get through. Courtesy of the impatient traffic.

Joe hit the brakes to bring his car to a safe speed and let out a huge sigh.

“Lisa its okay now .We have earned ourselves 40 seconds. We need to get off the highway. You good? "

“I’ll be okay. Do what you have to do "saying this she sunk deeper into her seat.

Moments later, Lisa raised her hand to point at the road that let them out of the highway. It was not a major road. Joe would have missed it if she had not spotted it. It merged with the surroundings so much that to someone who is not familiar with it would certainly remain unseen. Joe quickly responded and managed to get turn the car. Both of them didn't know where it would take them. But they had to take it if they wanted to get rid of the SUV.

It was a narrow road. There were grass and shrubs on both sides of the road. After they traversed some distance houses started showing up on either side of the road. But they had to travel almost another kilometre before they could find someplace where Joe could get Lisa something to drink. Joe stopped the car at the first sight of a supply store. When he returned to the car after buying two bottles of mineral water, Lisa was not in the car. He found her leaning on the back of the car. He handed out a bottle to her.

"Just catching some fresh air. “Said Lisa before she drank half the bottle in a go.

"Lisa, considering what just happened, I don't think it would be a good idea for us to continue our journey tonight. I think we should stay in some hotel and continue tomorrow early morning. What do you say?"

"I don't mind. I think it's a good idea". After a pause, she added, "Tell me something Joe. Are you regretting? "

"Regretting what?”

“Coming for me?”

“What? Why don't we get inside and talk? "She complied with it." Why do you think I regret. Is it because of what just happened? Whatever it is I want you to know that coming here was the best decision that I have made in my life. I'm actually happy that you called me when needed someone. Like you said earlier, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be here. So don't even think like that again. I’m happy to be with you no matter what the circumstance is.

Now that we have settled that, why don’t you find a place for us to get through the night while I drive?” Joe offered her his phone, “here, use my phone”

“The password is...” Lisa asked, seeing the lock screen.” Wait a minute” She typed something. “Not my name?” She asked a bit surprised. Joe laughed and said, “Close, your name in the reverse order.”

“Not sticking to the obvious. Nice”