Twelve Forty-two North Seventy-five Seventy-three East by Alvin Joseph K. - HTML preview

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SO? Lisa spoke with a tired voice as they walked along the highway where there was indeed decent traffic already. That ‘so’ was a product of her growing impatience?

“Okay okay, I will tell you. The reason there was a rear entrance to the villa is nothing so mysterious. When we bought the villa, it was not there though there was a road at the backside too. But the problem is that while coming to the villa, you may have noticed, there are two roads to the right.”


“Most of the people who come to the villa wrongly take the first one as the right one is not easily visible. So many times people have come at back of the villa. When this continued, we decided to put a gate there too. Guess it turned out to be more useful than we thought.” Joe couldn’t help smiling. Lisa nodded in understanding. There was a long silence after that. Neither of them spoke anything. Joe wondered why Lisa didn’t ask anything about what he said earlier. ‘Maybe she wanted some space’, he thought. After all a lot was happening. He felt furious at the person who was causing all this madness. He spoke to the unknown, unseen and unheard enemy, in his mind

‘Whoever you may be. Whatever you be capable of, you will not hurt Lisa anymore. I will not let you take away the life I dreamed of all these years. A Life with Lisa.’

“So that is the ride you have been talking about?”

Lisa’s sudden question broke the bubble that encased his world of thoughts and brought him back to the real world. He followed her gaze to a large building with huge glass walls and a writing on the top right that read ‘KMK Motors’ in big bold letters.

“Oh yeah”, his face lightened up. “But I haven’t been here after the inauguration. I don’t know if anyone recognizes me”

They walked into the building opening a big glass door. A young man dressed in blue shirt, a dull red tie and an ID tag around his neck with the card tucked into his chest pocket addressed them.

“Good morning sir, good morning ma’am. I am George. Welcome.”. His face suggested he knew them.

“Good morning. I assume you know me”.

“Why would I not sir? I see you every day”. He turned his face towards a photo frame on the reception desk which showed with his family during the inauguration of the showroom. Lisa moved closer to get a better look. By the time, everyone working there, gathered around.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“Yeah, coming to that, George right?”

“Yes sir”

“Well George, I am in bit of a situation here. My car was stolen last night and all my cash was it. So I am in need of one of the cars here and as you can see both of us need a change of clothes. Also I need this phone charged.”

“Okay sir, I’ll see what I can do. Please take a seat” Said George taking the phone from Joe.

“That went smooth. Is there a ‘Do what you are told without any questions’ policy here?” Lisa asked as walked towards him.

“What? I gave him a good story.”

“You do know that you are not so good at lying”

“Like you are a fat Liar”

“I am definitely better at lying than you. Do you know how many times I have helped my friends to bunk classes lying to the teachers?”

“The last part, I know”, he said as they sat down.

“Good chance for some gossip, huh? You worried Joe?”

“Isn’t that obvious? Young boss walks in, improperly dressed, with a beautiful girl. Worried? Not really. Are you?”

“I’m worried why you are not worried? I have nothing to lose to be worried of gossip. But you do”

“I’m not worried about being gossiped with you.”

Before Lisa could reply to that, George approached them along with a young women.

“Excuse me sir.”

“Yeah George”

“Sir, this is Maria. We will go out and get clothes for you. And by then you select which car you want”

“Good, I like the sound of that”.

Getting into their new ride in their new outfit, Lisa asked, “Are you sure you want to take this brand new car considering we have targets painted on our backs?”

“If you are going to fear the future too much, there isn’t going to be a life. Have hope. Do we not go to bed every night hoping to wake up next morning? Relax Lisa”

“I was just saying .As you wish. So where to now? Don’t tell me ‘Ride with me, you’ll see’.

“We are going to meet a friend. You know him, Sam. He lives half an hour away. He may be able to get us some safe place to stay.”

“Sam? Should we bring him into this? Why put him in harm’s way.”

“That is why we are not going to tell him anything.”

Joe’s phone which was fully charged now started ringing. “Oh shit, it’s Dad.” Joe said as he pulled over.

“Don’t make noise” .He answered the phone.” Hey Dad”

“Hello Joe. Thank God you picked up the phone. I have trying since yesterday night.”

“Phone was out of charge Dad. Sorry.”

“Joe where are you? Have you forgotten? We have a Dubai trip tomorrow“

“Oh shit, sorry dad I completely forgot.”

“When are you coming home?”

“I can’t come dad. I’m taking care of something important”

“What do mean you are not coming? You know I need somebody to help me with the paperwork”

“Dad I can’t I really can’t. This is the most important thing of life. I can’t walk away. Take Mom. She used to come with you earlier.”

“Most important thing of your life? Is this about that Girl? What was her name?’

“It’s Lisa and yes this is about her. I’ll tell you everything when I get home”, Lisa who staring at the busy road all time suddenly snapped towards him with an utterly surprised face.

“Alright son, I hope you know what you are doing. I’ll take Mom. Come back soon Joe.”

“I will dad. I promise”


“Bye Dad”. Joe put down the phone and took a sigh of relief.

“Your dad knows about me?”

“I was forced to tell.”

“And he is cool with it?”

“That is why I told him I will explain when I get home. Like you said I am not a good liar. I needed time to cook up a story. He can’t know about all this. We better get going. Connect the phone to the car’s Bluetooth.”

Joe hit the calling bell twice. There was no response. “May be he is still mad at me” Joe said

“Why would he be mad at you?”

“Let’s just say I didn’t show up when he needed me.” Joe smirked

“Wow! Great place to come asking for help”

The Door opened and guy in specs revealed himself to them. He wasn’t exactly happy to see Joe and it clearly showed on his face.

“Hey, Sam.”, Said Joe, waving his hand.

“Don’t except say Hai to you.” Sam said with a stern face.

“What about me Sam? Won’t you say Hai to me?

“Lisa whose was not in Sam’s Frame of vision stepped inside it.

That left him open jawed. You got to be kidding me? Lisa, Lisa Maria.”

“There is a John at the end”. Lisa pointed out. But completely ignoring that, he continued.

“You, you guys are.”

“Together”, Joe completed his sentence...”Can we come inside” “Sure .I have nothing against her.” Sam stepped aside and closed the door after they entered his apartment.

“Can I use your restroom?” Lisa asked.

“Sure it’s over there

When Lisa disappeared into the restroom, before Sam even asked anything Joe spoke out judging from his expression. “Long story short she called me. She knew everything”

“When did this happen?” It seemed like Sam forgot that he was mad at Joe.

“Couple of days ago.

“Jesus Christ!

“Look Sam, Let me cut to the chase. We are here for your help” “You two running away or what?”

The flush started running and Lisa came out.” You could say that, in a way” Joe said.

“We need a place to stay”. It was Lisa who spoke.

“But not here.” Joe made it clearer.

“Why not?”

“It’s not safe .Do you know some place where people won’t look for us.”

“This seems pretty serious”

“It is. The less you know the better”

“There is someone else who may be able to help you. But you are going to like hearing that name Joe”

“No not her. Isn’t there anyone else?”

“Wait, wait who are you talking about?” Lisa asked

“I don’t want to hear her name again Lisa”

“Who? Who is it Sam,”

“Shruthi Manohar”

“Shruthi from the convocation Day?” Lisa asked. Joe nodded. “How will she help us?” Lisa asked Sam.

“Her family runs a construction company. She is in charge of it now and her office is nearby. Joe knows. She may be able to get you into one of her model apartments”. Sam answered.

“That is great.”

“Oh come on Lisa. I’m not asking her for help.”

“This is not the time for old feud Joe. We don’t have a choice.”

“Fine”, though his face clearly showed he was not.

“Bye Sam.”

“You guys are leaving?”

“We are in a bit of hurry. I will call you” Joe said “And Thanks”.

“You told everyone about your feelings for me but me?” Lisa asked on route to Shruthi office.

“I don’t tell them they find out”

Before Lisa replied to that, Joe’s phone which was now synced with the stereo’s Bluetooth rang.


“Can I take to Lisa?” A Strong Male voice asked.

“Who’s this?” Lisa answered instead of Joe.

“That’s the question isn’t it? I’m the guy that had your parents killed”