Twelve Forty-two North Seventy-five Seventy-three East by Alvin Joseph K. - HTML preview

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JOE prepared himself for what was about to follow. He shut his eyes and tried to picture Lisa. The image of Lisa kneeling before the altar came flooding into his mind. That sight had brought him more joy than any world wonder ever brought him. If he was going to die he wanted that image to be in his mind when death grabbed him.

The thug grabbed a wooden log and walked towards Joe. Standing at an arm’s length from Joe, the thug swung the log hard. Joe felt the wind from the swinging log when Mr. K yelled “Wait!” the log stopped inches from Joe’s face. Joe could hear the sound of a phone ringing. He opened his eyes to see Mr. K standing in front of him holding out a ringing phone.

“You were literally saved by the bell” he said with a cocky smile on his face.”

Who would that be? Joe wondered.

“Recognize this number?”

Mr. K showed his phone to Joe.

John’s daughter

Could it be Lisa? Her father’s name was also John. He glanced at the phone number beneath the writing. The realization shocked him. That was his number. It was indeed Lisa calling. What the hell was she doing? Joe knew he should be grateful to her for saving him from the torture. The timing of her call, though a fluke, was so impeccable. But he was mad at her. When she said she would take care of it herself, he didn’t even imagine she would go for a direct confrontation with these people. It was so dangerous.

“Hello my dear, I guess this day is full of surprises.” Mr. K attended the call and started walking around Joe. “That is a very good decision. If you had thought of this earlier, it would have been easier for both of us.”

Joe figured Lisa must have agreed to deliver the floppy. It was unlikely that she would let go of her parents’ murder just like that. May she got tired of the cat and mouse game? Heaven had come crashing down on her when she came to know that her parents’ teaching job was just a cover for their involvement with the drug cartel. May be she thought they got what they deserved.

“A catch?”

Just what was missing, Joe thought.

“I’m all ears. Uh... Huh... Why Lisa, don’t trust me?” silence followed “Okay, as you wish.” He finally said. “But I also have a catch to add. I also have something of yours.”

Mr. K walked towards Joe, switched the phone to speaker and held it towards Joe.

“I’m sorry, Lisa”

“Joe?” Joe could feel the trembling in her voice as she said it. That hurt him. When he left for Jolly villa earlier that day he was convinced he was going to help Lisa, but instead he has plunged her more into the darkness.

“I hope you realize that now the game has been balanced”

Joe couldn’t agree more. If it was possible to weigh how much leverage each side had, the scales would be balanced. If only it doesn’t tip over in Mr. K’s favour.

“So Girl, Where do you want the exchange to happen?” The phone was still in speaker mode.

“Where a girl knelt at twelve forty-two north seventy-five seventy- three east.”

“What? Where? ” Mr. K was absolutely bewildered.

Joe felt like Lisa had read his mind. He had just pictured her there. The church once again was chosen as a meeting place.

“A little something to ensure you deliver Joe unharmed.”

Mr. K turned the speaker mode off and took the phone away from Joe.

“How many more tricks do you have up your sleeve? Keep them there if you want him back. And about the time. No time. I’ll get there when I get there. You will wait for me. Remember, nothing foolish.”

The call ended and silence once again took its place. Thugs backed away and Joe was once again alone in the room.