White Puzzle by Max Kaynes - HTML preview

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“How do you feel?” The young doctor asked.

“Well… I… I’m a bit stressed.” The dream was too embarrassed, to tell the truth.

Ton gave Dream a fierce look. He was forcing Dream to say everything.

“And… and I saw some illusion too.” Dream hunched her shoulders.

The doctor took note before kept asking.

“Can you give me the details? What was the illusion appearing to you?”

“It’s… some weird dream. I saw the image of my old house when I looked at some photo.”

“You were thinking of it?”

“No.” Dream shook her head. “I just… froze and saw the image of the old house.”

He nodded and took more notes.

“How long has this happen?”

 “Not quite a week but I think it might be a problem, so I come to see you early.”

“Other than seeing the illusion, do you have any other symptom?”

“Sometimes, she would cry out strange things too. Just scream out of nowhere without realizing it herself.” Ton added. Dream lowered her head with embarrassment.

“You are her brother?” The doctor asked.

“No. I’m her friend. I saw that she’s been in trouble, so I take her to see you.”

“Do you have any problem with your family or your study?”

“No.” Dream shook her head.

“Something to worry or stress over?”

Dream shook her head again. The young doctor noted down before looked at Dream in the eyes. She stared back, not trying to avoid him.

“Do you have particular belief or faith? Such as you’ve met an alien or think that you’re a magician.”

“Never.” Dream answered. “But when I saw the illusion after looking at the photos, I feel that what I saw had actually happened.”

“Thinking that the illusion happened in reality?” The doctor raised his eyebrows. “Can you tell me what you’ve seen?”

“I… every time I tried to explain something is blocking my head. It’s hard to say out loud.” Dream replied. “I can’t remember much of it. If you want me to tell now…”

   Dream took a notebook from her bag and handed it to the doctor. He read through it very fast before returned it to Dream.

After I’d told everything to Ton, Ton suggested that I should take note about every image from my dream. He said that I might need this information in the future. He wrote down about the dream and illusion when I was unable to write them by myself. I would copy it to my notebook before I went to bed.

“So, you saw yourself back in your old house, chained down, your father showed that he fears you, and you also saw yourself dead. Are these correct?”

Dream nodded.

“Do you have a feeling that someone is talking behind your back?”


“OK, then. From your history, you have no chronic symptom, never use the drug, and haven’t on any medication currently. Anyone in your family has the same situation?”


The doctor nodded.

“Do you feel too energetic or sad than usual? Something that you're anxious about? Such symptom can indicate some other illnesses as well.”

“I feel worried right after I saw the illusion, but after a while, it’ll be fine.”

“When you saw the illusion, did you realize that it’s not real?”

“I did.”

“Not thinking about suicide?”


“Well.” The young doctor leaned back and rubbed his nose. “Your symptom matches the perception disorder. However, many indications aren’t right. I think that we can say for certain for the time being, but I’ll give you some medicine first. Do you have any medication allergies?”

“No. Never.”

“The pharmacist will explain about the medicines. I’ll schedule the next appointment, but now please let me test your concentration.”

After we paid the bill and left, Ton led me to the exit. He turned back to me and asked.

“Little one, do you want to go home now? This brother will take you home.”

“Thanks but I can go home by myself. Don’t trouble yourself.”

“Aren’t you afraid of Bill?” Ton tilted his head and asked. “Even we haven’t been to the university, but that bastard might come to see you anyway. In that case, I think I might be in bigger trouble if something happens to my favorite friend.”

I felt thankful to him, but at the same time, I felt bad that he called me ‘friend’ like that.

“Just let me take you home. Believe me. Bill will come to see you today.”

I nodded slowly before followed Ton without another word.

We chose to go home in a different path, hoping that Bill wouldn’t find us. He followed me for quite some times. Using the same route was too risky.

While we walked into a shortcut lead to my house, Ton broke the silent.

“Feel better now?” Ton asked. “The doctor’s conclusion might not be so clear, but it seems we can relax.”

“Um, thank you,” I said. “I think I can forget about those images soon.”

Even though I was so serious about that illusion, but now, I felt so relax as if those terrible moments had never happened. It might be like Ton said, I probably too stressed out about something.

After that, we walked home in silent; beware of the danger that was not yet to come. Ton made me feel safe, but at the same time, having a man walked beside me was an allowance for Bill to attack.

Especially Ton… Ton was Bill’s most wanted prey.

Bill always severely hurt men who getting close to me and always found a way out of trouble. The police usually avoided this kind of problems. That was the main reason he was still around up until now.

We walked safely all the way home. However, I was shocked when I saw Bill waiting in front of my house. A large iron wrench was held tightly in his hand. He knew that the university wasn’t a good place for him to keep follow me around anymore.

I headed another way and pulled Ton with me. He looked at me with confusion for a while before he understood what was going on.

“It’s okay, Dream. I can deal with him.” Ton said.

“That’s not good. I told you that I won’t let you get hurt.” I whispered. “I definitely won’t let him see you. You might corner him once, but Bill is more dangerous than you think. We’d better call the police.”

I took out my phone and called the police. They promised that they would arrive soon. Meanwhile, I had to find a safe place. This was my problem. I couldn’t have Ton risk himself for me again.

We walked to the back of the house then turned into a narrow walkway on the right. At that moment, I saw Bill rushed after us. I sped up and pulled Ton with me. However, Ton stood still. His eyes were on the enemy who was heading toward us.

“What are you doing?!” I shouted.

“I know we can’t avoid this.” Ton smiled. “I saw you try to run away even when you don’t know where to go. Your eyes tell me that.”

“The police are on the way. Don’t do something stupid.”

“But while we’re waiting for the police, you do know he is faster than you, right? You can’t escape him.” He looked at Bill with challenging eyes. “Don’t worry. I can take care of this.”

Ton walked to Bill slowly with a friendly smile on his face. Bill stopped less than a meter from him. He lowered his eyes, looking at Ton with a fierce grudge.

“Are you crazy or stupid?” Bill knocked that wrench on his hand. “You really think you alone can stop me?”

“I want to ask the gentleman a question. Wouldn’t it be better if we end this without a fight?” Ton waved his hand forward. His smile tainted with something evil.

Bill looked at Ton in puzzlement then roared out laughing.

“Are you so scared that you’ve gone crazy?” Bill wiped away his tear. “You really think that you can get out with that lame joke. I’ll tell you what. Anyone dares play with my woman never escape my wrath.”

“And where’s your woman?” Ton asked. “I see only a blank space next to you.”

“You just talk shit.” Bill gritted his teeth. “She’s standing behind you, moron.”

Ton turned to look at me briefly before turned back to Bill. “She’s your woman? Does she look like she is? I only see a girl who trying to escape a psychopath. You must be thinking on your own that she still likes you.”

Suddenly, Bill hit him harshly with the wrench. Ton moved slowly but rhythmically and turned to stand behind Bill without a scratch.

“You must be crazy to think that you can fight me.” Bill roared. “I’ll kill you!”

“That’s why I said I don’t want to fight.” Ton shook his head. “Let’s end this nicely.”

Bill rushed to Ton and hit the wrench from above. The metal aimed at the head of its prey, meaning to take life. Right now, Bill was mad beyond control. Anyone else’s life no longer had a meaning to him.

Ton avoided Bill’s attacks in rhythm. He stepped back to Bill’s side and punched the mad man’s face right on the spot. Bill staggered to the side before took his stance again.

“What’s wrong?” A smile appeared on Ton’s face briefly before turning into coldness. “If you want to fight, come on.”

Bill growled out loud and rushed to his prey swaying the wrench around. The anger caused Bill to attack aimlessly. Ton avoided all of them and hit Bill’s face a few times. I’d never seen Ton like this before. He was like a sleeping tiger. His smile was the cloth that covered his edges inside.

Bill fell. He tried to use the wrench to protect himself, but Ton kicked it away and pulled him up by the collar. Ton punched Bill again before let go of him.

“Let’s end it here.” Ton said. “This is the fight you want. I give it to you, and I win.”

Ton turned away and walked back to me with all the coolness, showing off how far above he was for the mad man to see.

Bill was leaning on a wall. His breath is ragged. His eyes focused on the rabbit that turned into a wolf. They were full of hatred and pain. Bill was like a puppy that was feared by the roar of a great wolf, could only show off the courage he’d never have.

Suddenly, he rushed to Ton. His right hand took out a knife from his pocket. His left hand reached out to grab Ton’s shoulder. The blade was directed at Ton’s back in a flash.

Ton glanced at Bill with disdain. Ton turned around to dodge the attack before kicked the attacker’s stomach. Bill staggered back. His legs shook. All of his strength was used for keep himself upright. Bill pointed the knife at Ton. The puppy refused to back down.

“I think you should give up.” Ton said expressionlessly. “We’ve got nothing from this fight.”

Bill was silent. He waved the knife around slowly. Ton stepped back to avoid it for a moment. He hadn’t attacked Bill once, acting as if a king was forgiving a prisoner and showing off his own nobility.

The siren was screaming from afar. Ton stopped in front of Bill. He held the loser’s wrist tightly and looked at a faraway place.

“You still have choices. End it here or let her go. You choose.”

Bill looked at Ton’s face for a moment before lowered his head again. He let go of the knife he’d hold on so tightly. His eyes were on me now.

He shook his arm away from Ton, stepping back from us a bit before completely stopped.

“You agree to end it now?” Ton asked.

Suddenly, Bill rushed at me. He squeezed my wrist with all of his strength he had left. I tried to escape, but he was a lot stronger than me.

Most of my strength as if was sucked out. I fell on the ground, seeing that my environment started to twist. The atmosphere became gloomy. My fear of men resurfaced.

Suddenly, the images in front of me broke into fine pieces. The dust of reality floated in the air before completely disappeared.

I looked around in the dark place, trying to find something to hold on, desperate to find something to make me feel safe. While I was walking aimlessly, I heard a strange noise.

It wasn’t a scream. It was a birthday song.

The high pitch from hundreds of children sang a chorus. They clapped in unity in tune of the birthday song. The chorus and the cheer surrounded me. I tried to listen to understand the meaning of those voices.

‘Blow the candles! Blow the candles!’

I listened to those voices in confusion. A birthday? Blowing candles? Why did I hear the sound from a birthday when…

When what? Where was I? What was happening in the real world?

Suddenly, the Kids’ voices became lower. Every voice merged into one before broke out as if the sound of a violin playing a wrong note. The screeching sound was getting closer to me. I closed my ears, feeling like my head was crushed fiercely.

I was about to die. I was about to die. I was about to die. I was about to die. I was about to die. These words became louder and more frequent from within my head. My body shook violently from the pain before I fell on the ground. I screamed, crying for help.

But nobody came to my rescue. The feeling flooded inside my chest.

I would be in pain… lived in torment… alone… and forever.

Suddenly, the confusion disappeared. The darkness was destroyed and replaced with colors. The chilling atmosphere was gone. There was only the sun’s warmth shining from the sky.

The siren from the police car was getting near. I heard shouting, footsteps, and grumbling. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to make sense of things around me.

It might be blurred, but I still knew the man who was looking back at me. Bill was hunted down by the police. He ran straight before turned left and jumped over the wall. While he was jumping, our eyes met.

Bill looked at me as if he knew something about this.

After the commotion ended, Ton finally took me home.

Ton insisted that he would walk me home from now on. Bill wasn’t a treat I should overlook. He was the man who could harm me at any time. If I kept letting him intrude into my life, I might lose something precious one day.

I nodded docilely in agreement. After what had happened today, I had no right to object his offer again.

“Good luck.” I smile. Ton nodded.

Before Ton left, he paused then turned back to me.

“What?” I asked.

“Well… do you realize that when Bill grabbed you, you suddenly went out of it? When the police arrived, you suddenly screamed.” Ton was silent for a minute. “What did you see at that time?”

I lowered my head a bit. “I didn’t see anything. I… I…”

“You can’t remember again?”

“No. No, this time I can remember. It just that everything was black. Then, I heard… some kids singing a birthday song.”

“Birthday song?” Ton rubbed his chin. “It relates to the illusion you’ve seen before?”

“I don’t know…”

“That’s weird… So weird.”

Ton was silent briefly before continued.

“Illusion is created from our brain.  It can be anything.” Ton shook his head. “But that’s not the thing I'm worried about. What I'm concerned is that it happens when you see Bill and the look he’d given you before he ran away.”

“You saw that, too?”

“Yeah.” He tilted his head a bit. “Maybe you’ve been right. What you saw might not be caused by some normal stress. Bill might have actually hurt you in the past. He might try to kill you, but there’s still something I need to be answered.”

“You’re thinking of something?”

“Not exactly.” He shrugged. “From what you told me, generally, when you will see the illusion when you saw something about your old house. Bill had lived around there, too?”

“No. Bill’s house hadn’t been around there.” I shook my head. “But Bill had tried to break into my house.”

“If you say that, everything seems reasonable.” Ton nodded.

What Ton just said sounded logical, but my intuition was whispering that it wasn’t the real answer.

“You’re thinking about finding the truth again, huh?” Ton said. “I can tell you are.”

“How do you know?”

“Your actions scream it.” He said. “But I still insist the same. Even though I think of many things, it doesn’t mean that I’ll let you go. The evidence we have is too few. You can’t use your emotion to confirm them, you know?”

“I understand,” I replied.

“It’s good you understand.” Ton smiled. “Well, if anything happens, you can call me anytime, but I have to go now.”

That was the last words before Ton was swallowed by light from the setting sun.