Wyoming Territory


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Published: 9 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Wyoming Territory is a novel about a young Swedish immigrant who lives and grows into adulthood with the Sioux Indians. It takes place in the mid 1800's. The young man lives for one thing, to avenge the death of his mother and father at the hands of ruthless cowboys. This novel is dedicated to my lifelong friend, Harry Marshall. Wherever you are, I hope you are enjoying your Scotch and listening to the sounds of Pink Floyd. R.I.P. my friend. You are missed by many.

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David V. Hesse

I currently live in Roswell Georgia with my wife and dogs and horses where I am active in the preservation of America's Living Legends, the mustang horse. Beside the Max Fly Private I series, I have writtn an historical novel titled Wyoming Territory. It's about a Swedish immigrant being raised by a Lakota Sioux warrior. His parents are murdered and he spends his life seeking revenge on the men who killed them. Confuscius said: "If you seek revenge, you better dig two graves."

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