Fundamental #2: Find Your Why and Fly
You must know your WHY in order to deal with issues such as:
“You must be absolutely clear about your goal and be relentless in the pursuit of your WHY.”
– John Di Lemme
Reading your WHY card for the first seven minutes upon rising is the secret to cementing your WHY into your spirit. This simple yet powerful morning habit will direct your actions as you progress through your day. You will begin to see yourself handling your challenges a little differently.
You’ll be excited and know that all of this is worth it, because you know your WHY. You will deal with those challenges and forge forward, never looking back. An example of a WHY card is:
“I am dealing with all the challenges of building my MLM business today, because my WHY is to spend more time with my family, provide for my children’s education, and have the finances needed to take regular family vacations and be a mentor to my kids. I am donating and tithing a percentage of my earnings to my church or favorite organization. I am making a difference today as a Profit-Producing, Fear-Demolishing, Record-Breaking, Action-Taking, Eye-Opening, Mind-Blowing, Fired-Up and Laser-Focused MLM Millionaire Champion.”
I challenge you to re-evaluate where you are today, where you want to be five years from now and decide to take action! Write a personal WHY card and begin reading it daily. To discover more about the power of a Why Card and the “10 Life Lessons on How to Find Your Why NOW and Achieve Ultimate Success”, visit www.FindYourWhyNOW.com.