Affiliate Masters Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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4.3. Check Out Other Monetization Models

Your Most Wanted Response may be to have your visitor buy from one of your merchants. But what if you visitor doesn't want that product today? Instead she notices another one of your offerings.

This is a WIN-WIN situation -- your visitor is happy and your Web site is steadily bringing you a stable income.

Some of the following monetization models will be as low-maintenance as affiliate programs are (i.e., no product to develop, store, ship, support, etc.). Others will take more of your time.

Which will work for you? Only you can decide the best fit.


Let’s do a quick overview of the possibilities…

Google’s AdSense Program -- AdSense is tailor-made for Theme-Based Content Sites. Combine participation in the AdSense Program with membership in two or three quality affiliate programs and you have a solid monetization base in place.

How does AdSense work? Upon acceptance in the program, Google selects relevant ads for you to place on your Web pages. You are paid for every ad clicked upon. For complete details about the program, visit…


See how Rob monetizes using AdSense on his site…

• Referral/Finders’ Fees -- With this model, you send visitors to specific businesses (offline businesses, especially) and get paid for the lead or sale that results.

Nori explains how she earns income through referrals…


Net Auction Selling -- Auction products (hard or digital goods or services) that relate to your theme. Put eBay to work for you.


Merle and Pam use their site to funnel prospective clients to their eBay auctions…


E-good Creation/Sellers -- Almost anything can be digitized and sold… ebooks, photos, software.


Marney sells over 250 items through her simple PayPal shopping cart, including some audio-based e-goods!…


Services -- Offer a service related to your niche. Build a client base, locally and/or globally.


Nadir took advantage of the Web in a most unusual industry…

Network Marketing -- Use the networking power of the Web to generate warm, willing-and-wanting-to-talk-to-you prospects... people who will call you,not the other way around.

Judd uses his site to extend his “warm circle of friends”…


Online store -- Sell hard goods that are related to your theme.


Jim started with hand-made juggling balls (knitted at home by his 90 year-old mother!)…


00003.jpgSBI! owners can add fully integrated e-stores to their highly trafficked sites.
Store Build It! combines the C





P of SBI! with the “M” of the best storebuilder & shopping cart in the world (created by Shopsite). Store Build It!’s feature set includes…

1) Built-in source of traffic delivered to your store via NavBar button integration
2) Own subdomain (slick differentiation of this major new division of your site)
3) Home page submission to major Search Engines
4) Easy pop-ups of content pages that both deliver more information or detailed photos AND attract more traffic
5) Complete retention of SBI! Look and Feel from home page to product pages to shopping cart, even to order page… automatically!
6) Separate customer mailing list -- to be able to reach your most valued visitors of all… the customer!
7) Numerous other seamless fits/improvements (ex., privacy and guarantee templates, CVV, help footers, etc., etc.)

Store Build It! (StBI!) also provides invaluable guidance through its “1-2-3 Action Guide” and additional resource books, “Make Your Store Sell!” and “Managing Your Store After the Sale.” For more information, please see…



Bottom line? The more you diversify, the more stable and sustainable your business will be. And that brings us to an important decision you need to make…