Affiliate Masters Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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9. DAY 9 Build Traffic Through Relationship-Building

Big shots are only little shots who kept shooting
-- Christopher Morely (1880-1957)


Time to activate the last of the Big 3 strategies for building traffic…


#1) Free Traffic (DAY 7)
Paid Traffic (DAY 8)
Traffic Through Relationship-Building (DAY 9)


You are building a solid traffic base. Now keep those visitors coming back for more. How?...


The same old answer… relevant, quality content. This time the content is in your e-zine and other special publications.



Goal-of-the-DAY... Identify a way to communicate with your visitors on a regular basis and build a relationship based on trust and credibility. Become a friend rather than a stranger.

00002.jpgWhile you are waiting for the traffic to your site to build, look ahead and prepare…

Even when you do have good first-time traffic, most people don’t come back over and over again to most sites. It’s nothing personal. It’s simply a big Web out there... and visitors figure that they might as well see something new! So, unless the very nature of your site naturally tends to generate frequent, repeat visits, realize that your customer is in “now or never” mode.

So the question is... how do you reach her again and again, after she leaves? You need a Backup Response, an alternative reason to visit. A good Backup Response must...

deliver a benefit to your visitor at a “no-brainer” price (free is best), and...


provide you with an ongoing opportunity to remind your customer about you and your product/service or the merchant-partners that you represent.

Sooner or later, a healthy percentage of those who trigger your Backup Response will deliver your MWR -- a sale or a contract, depending on your situation. Why? Because you’re building a quality, long term, repeated exposure, one-to-one relationship with your visitor/customer.
