On average, your visitor will need 7-13 exposures to your message before getting that click. Your e-zine is one way to increase exposure, but Webmasters use other methods to build familiarity as well…
Forms are an easy and safe way to communicate and interact with your visitors and customers. SPAM-bots can read e-mail addresses off your Web site so having a Contact Form in place of an e-mail link is essential.
Forms usage is limited only by your imagination…
• create a series of sequential Autoresponder messages or an e-course
• collect feedback from your visitors
• get leads or referrals
Be on the lookout for new ideas. Two SBI! sites, with the help of Form Build It! (another user-friendly module in the SBI! system), illustrate how a simple Form can be an effective communication tool…
• JuggleNow.com has implemented a brief survey...http://www.jugglenow.com/juggling-equipment.html
Other form-building software is readily available. Start your research with these products…
An e-zine generally goes out from once per week to once per month. If you have enough content to write more frequently, consider a blog or Web diary. Give your visitors daily updates on your topic, offer your opinion on some aspect of your theme, and/or announce a new feature offered by one of your affiliates.
Use Search It! to find breaking information that you can pass on to your visitors.Make your blog as formal or as informal as your audience will tolerate.
Publishing a blog is straightforward. The simplest method is to just keep adding new information to a designated page. A successful blog is frequent, reflects your style and delivers compelling content about your theme. Pull in your readers and give them a reason to respond.
Free blog hosting is available from Google…http://www.blogger.com/
Now for the other side of the coin…
If you’re finding it difficult to publish a weekly or monthly e-zine, then blogging is probably not for you. Here’s why…
A blog is basically a frequently changing Web page. Yes, it offers the ability for folks to reply and track back. But when you boil it down, a blog is frequently changing content. The key word in that statement is “frequently.” A blog is a bigger commitment than an e-zine. If it’s not at least daily, it’s just not very active.
Several blogs that I've subscribed to started off great, but the frequency dropped and then stopped. Once a month, I delete a few that just seem to have lost interest or didn’t see the rewards for all that extra time.
My recommendation? Blog if it fits your time, passion and market.Increasingly, some Webmasters publish their blogs through an RSS feed which is the perfect lead-in to…
Think of it like your local newspaper. The blog is the newspaper. RSS is the paperboy.
But what exactly is RSS?...
“RSS” stands for “Really Simple Syndication.” And that is exactly what it is... a new way for you to distribute content. That content can be any electronic communication (Web pages, m3ps, video, etc.)
A comprehensive overview, including easy-to-understand “how-to” instructions, is available at…http://rss.sitesell.com/
This site provides everything you might want to know about RSS (but were afraid to ask)! Check out the information and see if this relationship-builder is right for your business.
DAY 9 is all about building a quality, long term, repeated exposure, one-toone relationship with your visitor/customer. It’s about building trust, credibility and a sense of community.
Once you achieve this, you become a knowledgeable friend making a recommendation. You are no longer a stranger.You have only one day to go to complete the course. Before proceeding to DAY 10, please complete your DAY 9 Goal-of-the-DAY, and take note of your Ongoing Goal...
Ongoing Goal... Reach out to your target audience, whenever and however you can. Make them think about your business first and not your competitors. Now it’s time to analyze your traffic base from different angles...