Building a Succesful Brand Online by Drew Innes - HTML preview

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Monetization techniques should use well placed ads in free

content. Market your strengths rather than focus on

weaknesses. Focusing on weakness makes you mediocre at


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Marketing and Money Tips

Giving away content is a mighty way to get free advertising especially with ads placed prominently. For instance, give others permission to use your article on their site or in their e-zine. The resource box at the end of your article acts as an ad. Reciprocally, you get free advertising. It’s a win/win situation for both you and the people that need the additional content.

There are a lot of forms of free content. It may be articles, reports, news stories, e-books, e-zines, e-mags, virtual e-mail courses, press releases, web books, and so forth.

You are able to take it a step further and make giving away content an even heftier way to get free advertising. For instance, give your free e-book to one person and give them the rights to likewise give it away.

Do you see what I’m leading up to? Let’s suppose only twenty people download your e-book. Those twenty individuals may give away your e-book to twenty more individuals. That’s a total of four hundred individuals that have seen your ad in thee-book. And it just continues getting bigger! Make sure your ads are placed prominently in your content.

If you keep creating free content over a long period of time it starts expanding. Now, take all your free content and create an online directory. You can utilize your free content directory as a site traffic generator. You can ask individuals to add the directory to their site by linking to yours.

As well make sure to market your strengths. Our culture instructs us to center on our weaknesses and then better them. While practice is

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vital to improvement in some fields, it's more crucial to center on your strengths. By turning your strengths into super-strengths, your valuable time may be spent in fields where you feel well-situated.

You do learn from your failures, but you learn a whole lot more from your successes. For the same rationality, we utilize the phrase, "Keep your eye on the ball, and “instead of” Keep your eye on the strike zone." By centering your attention on the ball, you greatly better your chances of hitting it.

The bottom line is there are a lot of ways to do something incorrectly than resolutions to do it correctly. When success is accomplished, the marketer must realize the processes that produced his/her best qualities and use them as a foundation for a business model.

Study some of these questions as you plan fresh marketing strategies:

• Am I comfier in front of a group, or am I better person-to-person?

• Am I a better communicator verbally or on paper?

• Am I a better communicator on the phone or in the flesh?

• Which makes me feel more squeezed: prospects who just saw an advert and responded to it, or referrals who anticipate more?

• Are my presentations well-received when I work as part of a team, or do I get a fuller response from my audience when I'm delivering solely?

There are countless ways to play up your strengths once you stop centering on your weaknesses. By defining your marketing strengths and gearing your marketing efforts toward those assets, you are able

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to build a dynamic business model. Always start with this objective in mind.

Contact Drew Innes at or call +61 414 555 966 for information on his Private and Group Coaching Bootcamps

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