Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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“CYBER” Sponsoring System Work Shop 2

There are two questions which you must absolutely answer or you will never, ever sponsor anyone into your organization.


Mind you—these questions are never asked-but they are first and foremost in your prospects mind.


Number One: Can I Trust You?


Number Two: Can I do This?


In this chapter we are going to teach you how to answer the first question. The second question is covered in another chapter.


Can I Trust You?

Trust is an amazing thing. If someone trusts you they will do almost anything you ask. On the flip side, if they don’t trust you, you will probably not be able to get them to do anything at all.

Now trust is a funny thing—it has to be Earned!

Think about it. Imagine yourself in a dark alley—any dark alley will do. You are slowly walking along and suddenly there is a movement in the shadows up ahead. Immediately your heart starts to race and your senses go on full alert. Then you see him—a big hulking sort of a man in a large overcoat there in the shadows ahead. Your first reaction is to flee—to run as fast as you can.

Then the man calls out your name. It’s just your companion wanting to know what is taking you so long to get to the car—he has been waiting and was coming to see if something was wrong.

What a sigh of relief passes over you. You are safe!


Well my friend, the Internet is a lot like that dark alley and you are the man in the shadows.

Until you get the trust of your prospects they are going to run away. Until they realize you are their companion who has been waiting for them their heart will not stop pounding.
So, how do you establish that trust?

Glad you asked.


You, my friend are going to be one of the elite! You are going to build that trust with the help of your opt-in series!

If you currently have any site where your prospect is expected to give their name and email address just so they can see the contents of your site—you are wasting 99% of your advertising money!

Really, that technique used to work in the past—people would give out their email address like it was candy on Halloween—but no more!

People are getting leery of giving out their email address. With all of the spam and just plain junk which is on the Internet, people need a good reason why they should give you their email address.

You need to give them a reward for joining your list.


No good reason and reward = no email address.


Click, Good-bye prospect!


What you need is a mini-site. That’s right. A Mini Site!


A mini site is easy to create and the most effective opt-in mechanism on today’s Internet.


The idea is to create a brief direct response site who’s sole purpose is to convince people to join your list. That’s it. There isn’t anything to buy—no pitch for your product.


Just a simple “join or don’t join.”

With your mini site there are no distractions. No other courses of action. Just a simple yes or no—join or don’t join scenario. If you set it up correctly the majority of the time it will be YES, I want to join!

To see an example of one of our mini-sites just click on the link below

Click Here To see an example of one of our mini sites. Please Feel FREE to sign up for the special “Twitter Traffic” report

This mini site is also monetized on the back end with a set of products all related to the free gift. You will also want to monetize you mini site as well.




We have covered a lot of ground here. So Just Relax a while!


I would like to share something with you.


I know you want to make it BIG! How do I know this about you? Because you are reading this book. Easy! Many people try really hard to make it big.

But you have to know this from the beginning—it is really, really hard to make it big. That is why when someone makes it big —it’s big news! You don’t hear about the millions of people who try to make it big and don’t!

So, in the following chapters we are not going to be teaching you how to make it big.


Instead we are going to teach you how to spend your time and effort to make it little.


Making it little is EASY to do! Anyone can make little improvements in what they are doing.

If you put your efforts into consistent little improvements, before you know it they will all add up and you will find you have indeed made it BIG!

Try to make it big and you will become overwhelmed. In my younger days their was a saying I read once. Really don’t remember who wrote it so I can’t give them the credit they deserve. Anyway, here it is.

Yard by Yard Life is Hard, but Inch by Inch it’s a Cinch!

So, approach the following chapters inch by inch with the mind set of doing a little each day consistently and before you know it your opt-in system will be ready to turn loose.

Just take it one step at a time and you will be fine. You can even break the steps down into smaller steps. Just do a little each day on your opt-in page—consistently, and before you know it you will have it ready to go.

Once you get your opt-in page in place, everything you do from that point onward will be to build your list!

Really, I want to instill in you the necessity of putting list building at the forefront of every business action you do from that day forward. There is nothing which will benefit you more than getting people to join your list—PERIOD!