Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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“CYBER” Sponsoring System Work Shop 10

We will be discussing several more ways to drive traffic to your opt-in page. While these ways will not drive as much traffic as the previous methods they are still worth the time to use.

We will be covering:


Post Cards.




Business Cards.


Sig File.


Warm Market.


Classified Ads So let’s get going shall we?

Proper Techniques for Post Card Marketing

The next advertising method we are going to be discussing is using post cards. Post Cards are an excellent form of advertising if they are used correctly.

Bounce Backs. Do you receive postcards or other opportunity mail? You want to keep these postcards and envelopes in a box or better yet, make a file and put the names and addresses in notepad and date it. In about 90 days you want to send these people YOUR postcard. The reason you do not want to send them your postcard right away is they are currently occupied in their opportunity and are probably not interested in anything else at the moment. In 3 months they might be looking for another opportunity and “training!” You do not have to wait for 90 days if your postcard is just for you opt-in page. After all, almost all Network Marketers are hunting for YOUR opt-in page for some great training!

Strategic Placements. You can also leave your postcards “around town.” If you stop in the mornings for coffee and excellent idea is to leave a couple of cards near the coffee area where other people can see them. Another good place is in Supermarkets, Laundromats, ATM machines, anywhere people will see them and pick them up.

Mailing. Of course, you can also mail them out. If you do this then you will want to have a very good and responsive mailing list. Mailing lists can be purchased for around $10 per hundred names, any cheaper and you know the old maxim, you get what you pay for. If you go this route you should plan on mailing at least 500 post cards per month to be effective.
Card Decks. Another excellent way to mail postcards is in a card deck. These decks usually have around 50 to 75 cards in each deck and mail to 25 to 100 thousand people. The cost is around $1,000 so you would want to create or join a co-op of at least 10 people.

Parking Lots. To use this technique you get a magnetic door sign for your car and have a pocket where you put your postcards. You then park up close to the stores in a mall where people can read your sign and then take one of the postcards advertising your web site. While you are doing your shopping people are taking your postcards,

You should be using postcards, period! Distribute them on the way to work and your commuting miles suddenly turn into business miles which are deductible. Be sure to download and read our book, Tax Strategies for the 21st Century, for more information on turning your personal expenses into deductible business expenses.

Using these techniques will generate prospects for you. In addition, you will also be saving a ton of money on taxes! You can order postcards in your members area. Postcards are a “cheap” way to promote your business.

Using Flyers to YOUR Advantage

I know you have been in a grocery store. Well, they have a bulletin board where they let their customers place flyers and advertisements. You would be surprised at how many people actually read those boards.

If you are not using those boards then you are losing a lot of business! Make up a flyer which drives prospects to your opt-in page. Use colored paper, which will attract attention to your flyer, the cost is only pennies.

Your flyers should have a little “tear off” on the bottom so people can tear it off and take it home where their computer is. So, you can get as many as 10 prospects from every flyer. Talk about a deal!

You will want to place the flyers in as many stores as you can. Map out a route which you can travel once or twice a week and which has as many stores as possible on the route. You want grocery stores, sometimes liquor stores have bulletin boards, convenience stores such as 7/11 also have bulletin boards next to the restrooms. Anywhere there is a bulletin board you want to put your flyer up, by the way don’t forget Laundromats!

Most computers have a program on them where you can create flyers. Use it!

Business Card Marketing

Business cards can be used much like flyers.


In addition to the avenues mentioned to spread your flyers around you can also place your business cards in a few more locations. Here are just a few ideas.


Coffee shops. Leave them on the table when you are finished with your coffee, or better, leave a few where people get their sugar and crème at.


ATM machines are an excellent place to leave your business card after you have used it.


At all fast food joints at the order stand or where the straws and condiments are.


On the sink in public restrooms


On the shelf at public telephones.


Inside books at the public library.

In the shopping cart at the grocery store.
How about enclosing one with your bills. Hey, someone opens them and they might be ready for a change.

You can also place your business card in opportunity related magazines and books in any book stores in your area.


Leave a business card with your tip at any restaurant you eat at.


How about on a few car windshields at the mall?


Think of some places yourself, the list is endless.


Business cards are an extremely easy and cost effective means of getting the word out.

How To Set Up Your Signature File

What is the most affordable and effective way to get qualified prospects on the Internet? YOUR Signature file! A lot of sales on the Internet originate with an e-mail. E-mail can be a great catalyst for your opt-in page. Your opt-in page is really your “sales” message or “infomercial” for your opportunity. This being the case then your e-mails can become the ad for the ad!

As you start to meet more and more people on the Internet through forums, newsgroups, or even through your advertising you will want to have a good signature file set up in your emails. Why, because even though some of these people might not need or want your opportunity right now, sometime in the future they might. If you are using a good signature file then the odds are in your favor that YOU will be the person which they choose to develop their next business with, and all of this will happen without any extra effort on your part.

By developing relationships through email with these people your message is constantly kept in front of them. The most important part is it is never considered as spam. A signature file is an accepted form of advertising on the Internet and even the most radical anti-spammers will not complain about a signature file.

You will want to have your signature file on the bottom of every email you send, both personal and business. You never know who might be looking for an added source of income nowadays.

One of the most effective ways to use a signature file is to make it look like a PS at the end of your email.


PS—too much month left at the end of the money? Discover a new way to start making your computer work for you. “Your opt-in page” It’s FREE at


How to set up your “sig file.”

With so many email programs available today, we have no way of knowing which one you have. However, this is easily remedied.
All you have to do is open your email program and open your help file. Then simply type in find and then type in “signature file.” the program will then lead you through the process of setting up your sig file.

Using signature files is easy to set up and a powerful tool to use. Play around with a few different sig file until you find one that is really a knock out. It’s fun and very profitable. Here are a few examples which you can build off of.
Are you trying to make money online? Get FREE info right now. Go to: www.your optin

Do you have the money to do what you want and the time to do it? If not, check this out. www.your opt-in

Turn 30 minutes a day online into $$$$$ in your pocket. Find out how at: www.your opt-in
I don’t know if this will work or not, but you will kill me a year from now if it does and I didn’t tell you about it. PS It’s working for me. www.your opt-in

You can reword these to produce different signature files. Have FUN!

Is Warm Marketing for Real?

What is your “warm market?” Well, most companies would tell you to contact your family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else who you have contact with. Some companies even want you to contact people who you haven’t seen for years! Well, you have to focus a little on your warm market at the proper time.

First of all, family and friends can be more detrimental than helpful when you are first starting your Internet business. Why? Because people have a comfort zone and they do not like to stray outside of it. To avoid getting out of their comfort zone they will explain to you that your business is some sort of scam and you better run like mad. But, human nature being what it is once you are successful all of your family and friends will slap you on the back and say they knew you could do it and want to know if you can help them.

So initially you want to stay away from your family and friends. However, if you have been online anytime at all and have friends online who you have conversed with and you know are actively looking for opportunities then by all means you want to send them an email. This warm list is truly “golden!”

In answer to the question is warm marketing for real, the answer is yes, but not until you have achieved some degree of success, this is for the traditional warm market—not your Internet warm market who you have conversed with online. My Best Advise is to wait until you are making at least a few hundred a month before you approach your warm market consisting of friends, family, and co-workers.

The Classified Connection

Hmmmmm……...Classified Ads.


Do you have the following thoughts running through your head?


Classified ads, yea right! They don’t work and are simply a waste of time.


Classified ads. I’ve run ads in the newspaper with no results. Just lost a lot of money.

Classified ads on the Internet? Where would you even start?
If you have any of those are not alone! But classified ads can provide you with a steady stream of qualified prospects. However, very few people use them to their full advantage. There are literally millions of people online who read through classified ads so you need to create a great marketing strategy which will make you stand out from the crowd.

First, let’s consider the people who are perusing the classified ads. Most people who look through their Sunday classified ads are not necessarily looking to buy something. They are just snooping to see if there are any good deals on something they might like to purchase. So when they come across something they might be tempted by, they quickly think about it but decide unwilling to pick up the phone or drive to wherever they might have to go to see the item, and then make out the check. A lot of effort of someone who is just snooping and slightly curious or tempted.

This is where online classified ads have a huge advantage over regular classified ads. Online classified ads remove the barriers and hassles thus giving people greater incentive to investigate your opportunity.

Think about it.

You’ve posted your ad and a curious person is snooping around and comes across your ad. Your offer intrigues them so they simply click on the link which you have so conveniently provided them! Presto! They are at your site where they can read about your free opt-in course and sigh up for it. They don’t have to pick up the telephone, get in their car, or even write a check. In Fact they don’t even have to get up off their chair!

Now, let’s get into the advertising. There are basically two avenues to place your classified ad on the Internet. One is ezines, which we have already covered. The other is classified ad sites. Did you know there are over 2000 classified ad sites where you can place your advertising for free? It’s true. There are hundreds and hundreds of classified ad sites which will allow you to post your ad at absolutely no cost, really giving you an easy opportunity to drive more traffic to your site.

Of course there is some work involved on your part and you should not believe there is going to be an instant avalanche of leads going to your site just because you place an ad or two. Depending on how much traffic a particular site gets it could be a few days or a few weeks before someone actually clicks through to your site. That is why submitting your ad to classified sites is a numbers game. If you want to generate the most traffic and prospects to your site then you need to submit your ad to as many sites as you possibly can.

It is for this very reason most “netreprenuers” will never harness the full marketing potential of electronic classified ads. This Goldmine of potential prospects will never be within their reach for one simple reason, manually entering classified ads is just to time consuming!

Really, there is no small time commitment to placing classified ads. It takes from 5 to 10 minutes to place each classified ad. Which means to manually submit your ad to over 2000 sites you would have to work full time for around 6 weeks just to submit your ads. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for your ad to start slipping down the page of these sites as other advertisers submit their ads. So, to stay on top, right where you are most visible to your prospects, you’ll need to resubmit your ads when they start to slip. Wow. That is a lot of work!

You are about to learn the easy way to take advantage of classified ad sites. Thanks to the innovative technology of the Internet you can purchase software which will do almost all of the mundane work for you. That’s right! There are several “classified ad submitters” on the market which allow you, with the click of a few buttons, to submit your ad to a couple of thousand sites.

It’s really that simple. With these software packages all you do is type in your ad, pick the categories which you want your ad to appear in, press start, and then just walk away and the software does the rest.

At about 25 to 30 ads a minute it only takes about an hour to submit your ad to a couple of thousand sites. Just type “classified ad submitters” into your browser and several will come up. Many have 30 day free trial periods so you can “try before you buy.”

One word of caution, if you are not going to automate your classified ad campaign then I would not recommend you bother with this technique at all—it is just too time consuming and to get any results at all. You need to submit your ad to hundreds of sites. Your time would be better spent on our other avenues of marketing.

Another word of caution. If you do decide to automate your ads then give it at least 2 to 3 months to really take off. Most people need to see your ad several times before they will actually click on it. So it does take persistence and continual submission of your ads over a period of time. Just ask yourself. “Is classified advertising worth three weeks of your time just to get started and then continually resubmitting your ads?” I really doubt it. But, it is certainly worth an hour of your time to get started and then around 15 to 30 minutes a week if you decide to automate.

One last word of caution. If you decide to use this venue of advertising, you will certainly want to get a free email account to use. These classified sites are “harvested” by spammers and you will start to receive a lot of unwanted email so just get a free account and go in a couple of times a week and delete everything.