Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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Module One: The Money Is In The List!

How many times have you heard the MONEY is in the list? The truth be told, the biggest asset which EVERY SUCCESSFUL Internet Marketer has is not their products, nope, not their systems, ebooks, membership sites or jv partnerships........It's Their LIST! You Must Make Building A Subscriber and Customer List the Absolute Top Priority From Day One!

All too often people start their online adventures by trying to sell products or services without building their list first. But, I am here to tell you the list is the most important part of your online business.

Build an email list and you will crank out profits for LIFE! In fact, an email list is the closest thing to being able to generate Cash On Demand...It is almost like having your own printing press cranking out those hundred dollar bills as fast as it can print! Without a list you might have the best product on the planet but you will not have a soul to sell them to!

We supply you with several Splash pages to choose from..You Can Actually Start Having Subscribers and be making Money Within Minutes Of Joining Our System!

Click here to Check out Just One Of Our Splash Pages Click Here To See How You Can Make Money