Cyber Sponsoring Workshop by Donald Howsden - HTML preview

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The Secret To Becoming The “Prey!”

The secret to becoming the prey instead of the hunter lies in understanding the fact no one buys a tool because they want the tool. Think about this! No one buys a tool because they want the tool. What they want is the results the tool provides.

People do not want a drill—they want a hole!
People do not want a saw—they want boards cut to an exact length! People do not want a car—they want transportation!
People do not want a house—they want the comfort and warmth a house provides.

So, there you have the Secret!

Marketing is not about selling the “tool,” it is about giving away information about how to effectively and efficiently (or should I say easily) use the tool to product the desired results.

You do not want to sell them an expensive drill—you want to give them instructions on how to make a hole—which will ultimately lead them to buy your expensive drill!

You do not want to sell them an expensive saw—you want to give them instructions to easily and safely cut boards to any desired length—leading to them buying your expensive saw.
You do not want to sell them a car—instead give then information on how they can easily go anywhere they want, even at two in the morning—which leads them to buy your car.

If you want to sell a tool, which is your opportunity or product, what should you do? Go out and spend hundreds of dollars advertising your opportunity is just starting momentum and now is the perfect timing, or your compensation plan pays the best, or your product is better and cheaper?

Of course not. People do not care about your opportunity, compensation plan, or your product. They just don’t! What they want is money and what it can buy. They want financial freedom. They want a large downline of active distributors.

Stop wasting your time advertising what no one wants! Take your wagon load of hot dogs to a baseball stadium full of hungry kids and they will HUNT YOU DOWN!

That, my friend, is where the real money is!

Not in advertising your opportunity. Face it. Most Network Marketers fail because they run out of money advertising their program. They max out their credit cards HUNTING for people who do not want what they have to offer. It’s just crazy but it is exactly what everyone is being taught. Advertise to get everyone to your “program” website. Buy “pre-enrollees” to your “program” website. Spend hundreds of dollars every month on Pay Per Clicks to get people to your “program” website.

The problem is your “program” website is selling the same old “tired” story which nobody wants to hear anymore! If YOU want to build a massive downline of active distributors and make real money in Network Marketing then the first thing you have to do is QUIT advertising your business opportunity!

Quit Hunting and Become The Prey!

You quickly become the prey by providing what people really want. Remember, people do not want a drill or saw (tool) they want the hole or cut board. Now your tool (opportunity) can provide them with the hole or board cut exactly to their dimension, but people really don’t know if your tool (opportunity) will really work or not because they have never used one successfully before. So what do people really want? They want the RESULTS which the tool provides!

So, if you can’t advertise or sell your opportunity (tool) then what should you do? How about creating a free series on “how to” quickly and easily acquire the results they want and inside the series it recommends your tool (opportunity) as the best way to get those results?

Brilliant! Now you are out of the picture. It’s just the prospect and their instruction series which recommends your tool (opportunity) as the best way to get the results they want. And you know what? Sometime during the series some of the prospects are going to decide they need your tool (opportunity) and give YOU a call. Why? Because what you have allowed the prospect to do is sell themselves—to let them think it was their idea!

The series should be in harmony with your opportunity. The content should not only be good and informative (contain real value and not just a sales pitch) for the person reading it, it should also serve your ultimate purpose, to build your Network Marketing business. To build leaders and acquire customers.

But, and this is a real BIG but, what about the people who do not join your opportunity?

I really mean it! Even if you are a super recruiter and have the most fantastic opportunity available on the Internet you are still going to have people who will not, for whatever reason, join your opportunity. Maybe they like the product their company provides, or maybe their Mother sponsored them. Who Knows? The fact is you will only sponsor a small percentage of the people who sign up at your website.

What I am about to reveal to you is not only going to change your attitude about the people who do not join your opportunity but it is going to OPEN a whole new World of opportunity to YOU!