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Today, I have a successful business and a secure level of income because of

the many experts I have interviewed in the past two years and the guidance

of my mentors.

Do you realize how important having a mentor is?

If you do not have a mentor yet, then I suggest that you consider having


Here’s a free gift to help you go further.

The Jim Cathcart Interview >>>

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This is one of my early interviews, and Jim is absolutely brilliant.

You’ll hear why:

Most people never succeed

You must go through your own learning curve

You need to take control of your own thinking, and not allow others

to do this for you

The more value that you give, the more rewards you get

Starting the day and ending the day with positive input is so


And yes, I was still very nervous at this point, but I think it’s important to

share this interview with you, to show you where I started from. And, you

will just love what Jim has to say anyway.

Now the reality is that not everyone will say yes. I’m sorry, but that’s just a


Just move onto the next one. I used to ask myself “Who’s Next?”

There are so many experts out there who would love for you to interview


How do I know? Because I am doing it. I just go in search of them instead.

~ Most of us go through life as failures,

because we are waiting for the 'time to be right'

to start doing something worthwhile.

Do not wait. The time will never be 'just right.'

Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have

at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. ~

Napoleon Hill

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My Embarrassing Learning Curve

I can still remember my very first interview. I had arranged to interview an

Internet marketing expert based in Australia and, because of the time zone

difference, it was at a very early 5:30 a.m. in the morning for me.

I sat there in my dressing gown, hands all clammy and sweat beads lining

my brow. In fact, I was so nervous that I forgot my login to the

teleconference service in order to record the interview.

At the time, it felt like it was a complete disaster. But the expert was

gracious enough to allow me to reschedule for two days later. Looking back,

I think that it took me more than seven different interviews before I

started relaxing and feeling more comfortable.

It wasn’t an easy learning curve for me, but I am very glad that I stuck with

it to overcome my own fears, because it is so worthwhile.

I stumbled my way through those early interviews and probably embarrassed

myself more than once. The important thing is that I kept at it.

Just because I wasn’t comfortable with my first few interviews didn’t mean I

wouldn’t ever be. It just meant that I wasn’t comfortable - yet.

I learned something new with each interview: I would find out new ways

to make money, and to inspire myself and others. And, with each

interview, I would come away with a wealth of resource material that I could

then turn into something of value for my clients.

So, I stuck with the process. I learned a valuable lesson in perseverance, and

today I have a successful business to show for my efforts.

Even though I was still getting valuable information and advice from the

experts I was interviewing, I still had to go through my own learning curve.

I needed to learn how to become comfortable with the interviewing

process and the initial approach.

I also needed to learn what questions to ask so that I could get information

that would be useful and valuable to me and my clients.

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And, I needed to find ways to build my confidence and find my own natural


In the process I learned that a big part of what was holding me back was my

mind-set, my insecurities and fears.

It was time I shifted some of my thinking.

This brings us to Part Two – How To Think Like A Millionaire.

~ Dream, learn from the best to become the best you can, and take


Success is a doorway, choose to walk through ~

Andy Sacker

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Consider doing something to put you and your family in a good financial

position. Do not wait, as I did, until a financial disaster hits you.

Remember that interviewing is your savior when it comes to creating

information products quickly.

Think: By interviewing an expert in your chosen area, you can actually create

a product that is full of good solid information.

You don’t need to have any specific skills or talents or online expertise at all.

Action – Test – Refine – Repeat

Consider that experts know they need exposure in order to maintain their


Do you realize how important having a mentor is?

Here is your free gift to help you go further. The Jim Cathcart Interview (Just In Case).

There are so many experts out there that would love for you to interview


Consider my first botched interview; a nervous wreck early in the morning,

sweating buckets. Believe me, you can do this, you only need to decide

whether you want to or not. That’s your choice.

We all have to go through our own learning curve, there’s no hiding here!

Consider finding ways to build your confidence and finding your own natural


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How to Develop a Millionaire Mind-Set

~ 'If You Can Dream It, You Can Become It' ~

William Arthur Ward

~ When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out — because

that's what's inside.

When you are squeezed, what comes out is what is inside ~

Wayne Dyer

The Entrepreneur

There are going to be a lot more millionaires in the future, and I have a

question for you.

Do you want to be one of them?

I say this because this time that we are living in right now more than any

other time in history is the best time ever for anyone of us to reach our


We are moving into the age of the Entrepreneur.

In his book, ‘The Entrepreneur Revolution’, Daniel Priestly shares how the

Industrial Revolution swept the world in the mid to late 1800’s. At that time

family businesses literally got swallowed up as they were unable to compete

with the huge conglomerates that emerged.

Now, many years later, the reverse is happening. Small entrepreneurs all

over the world are slowly taking market share back from big businesses.

This Entrepreneur Revolution has a huge impact on you as the emerging

entrepreneur. Right now, we are living in an age that encourages us to

reach our dreams. More than before, there is a greater chance of you

achieving your dreams. But what will it take to get there?

~ Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've

imagined. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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What the School System Teaches Us

Traditionally, most school systems focus only on academic learning and

achievement. For most subjects, students are simply required to regurgitate

what they have been taught during the school year for their exams. Students

are not really encouraged to develop on a personal level, think outside of the

box, and build a great self-image.

When you ask a five year old what they want to be when they grow up, there

is almost no limit to the imagination reflected in their answer. “I want to

be a fireman, an astronaut, a pilot!” come the enthusiastic replies.

But, several years into the schooling system and those replies change don’t

they? Why is this?

Well the school systems are there to keep us in a job, and are used to

teaching us the 40-year plan. This entails finding a good job after leaving

school and simply sticking with it for the next 40 years until retirement. Not

much of a plan, if you ask me.

Fortunately, things are changing. Many educational institutions around the

world are starting to change their approach to learning. Mentoring is being

encouraged in colleges and universities. Students are now being asked for

their interpretation of the facts and to start expanding their thinking.

We are living in exciting times. I’m certain that 20 or 30 years from now

we can look back at this time and recognize that it was the beginning of an

age where anything is possible.

More than ever before, we will see more and more people living the life

that they dream of.

But, it starts with you and your thinking. This life of endless possibility is

open to everyone who is willing to expand their thinking.

Are you willing to do that?

Too often, it is not circumstances or our abilities that holds us back. Rather,

it is a fear of stepping outside of our comfort zones. Taking a risk, and paying

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the price in terms of effort and perseverance is well worth it to become the

person you were born to be.

Our self-image and how we talk to ourselves is often the basis for our

personal life story. To change our life - to turn it into the life we dream of

living - it’s mostly our thinking that we need to change.

How do we do that?

Let’s look to the example that many millionaires have already set and see

what we can learn from their life stories.

~ Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible

in your approach. It's the end you're after. ~

Anthony Robbins

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What Makes A Millionaire?

There are more millionaires today than ever before.

The interesting thing is that very few of these millionaires were born into

wealthy families. Most of them had ordinary childhoods, went to local schools

and some didn’t even benefit from a full education. Yet, they have become

self-made millionaires and billionaires.

If becoming a millionaire has little to do with your station in life, what is the

defining factor that differentiates those millionaires from the rest of


Surprisingly enough, many studies show that it has to do with belief and

mind-sets; what you believe about yourself and what you believe you are

capable of achieving. Millionaires simply have a mind-set that they can and

will achieve their goals and they use this to drive themselves towards


~ The starting point of all achievement is desire.

Keep this constantly in mind.

Weak desires bring weak results,

just as a small amount of fire

makes a small amount of heat ~

Napoleon Hill

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How Beliefs Affect the Results You Get

If you’re in a place where I was two years ago, feeling tired and frustrated,

your biggest enemy right now is your mind-set. It all starts with our own

programming; the things that we accept and believe govern how we live out

our lives.

Everything we experienced since the day we are born is recorded into our

subconscious mind, and therefore whatever programming you have received

has got you where you are today.

The diagram below illustrates this perfectly:

Therefore, if beliefs have such a strong influence on the results you get and

you are looking for different results, the first thing you need to do is work on

changing your mind-set. Starting out with your beliefs you have the ability to

change your potential, to influence your actions and therefore affect the

results you get.

Beliefs affect so much more than we are aware of, including the way we act

in situations, the way we talk to certain people, and the way we approach

each work day.

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Have you ever noticed that, when things are good, you manage to get

through your work quickly, you feel great about what you are doing and you

walk around with a little spring in your step?

But if you are having a bad day, just one thing after another seems to

go wrong. Often, it’s simply a case that you are already in a bad mood so

you believe the world is at war with you. You react badly because you are

grumpy and that just makes situations worse.

So, it’s not really the rest of the world, it’s just you.

Your beliefs and your mind-set affect your life every day. Becoming more

aware of this gives you the power to change your beliefs and mind-set.

In turn, you can then influence your potential, your actions and your results

through your beliefs.

~ My greatest challenge has been to change the mind-set of people.

Mind-sets play strange tricks on us.

We see things the way our minds have instructed our eyes to see ~

Yunus Mohammad

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What Influences Your Mind-set?

In order to be able to change your beliefs and mind-set, it’s helpful to

become more aware about what influences them. Every day interactions

and conversations with people can have a big impact on your beliefs.

This impact can be either positive or negative.

Some common influences are:

• Your Family or lack of Family

Your family relationships are often the ones that possibly most

influence your life and your mind-set. A loving and close family tends

to bring out the best in people, whereas physically or emotionally

absent parents tend to stunt personal and emotional development.

Your family, or the family that you don’t have, has a great influence

on a person’s mind-set.

People have a natural instinct to feel connected and a family is the

closest of those bonds. If it’s absent, people may carry a sense of

loneliness with them from not being part of a family.

• Your Upbringing

Your parents’ style of bringing you up has a major influence on your

mind-set. Parents act as role models that children often

subconsciously play out in their own lives.

For example: If your mother was a keen homemaker and spent a lot

of time with you and your siblings, then you may grow up to believe

that that is a woman’s role in the family. This can have a large

influence on your personal ambitions if you are a woman or your

expectations if you are male. This is a mind-set that you may carry

with you into adulthood and which WILL influence your dating

relationships and your career choices.

• Your Culture and Society

There are different cultural and social norms in every nation. The

culture in which you grow up has a strong influence on your mind-set.

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Some cultures believe that you follow family traditions and that

breaking away to follow your own ambitions is not acceptable. If this

is the culture you’ve grown up in you may not believe that there is

any possibility to live a life outside of the cultural norms.

• Your Home Environment

Today, there are fewer and fewer families that can claim to enjoy a

happy home environment. In many homes both parents work full-

time, leaving little time for family bonding. There are many single

parents that have to balance the responsibilities of earning a living

and managing a home.

The chaos or calm of your home environment has a large influence on

your self-image and level of confidence. Home should be a place of

sanctuary where you can relax and feel secure. Yet, for many people,

this is not their experience and they carry this with them into their

work lives.

• Your Friends or Peers

From early school years, friends and peers have a large influence on

what you think of yourself. A shy person that has few friends may not

have a very positive self-image. But, someone that manages to make

friends easily will often have a high level of self-confidence.

The people that you associate with socially or in the workplace are

often those you turn to for support or advice. They have the potential

to have a large influence on your mind-set.

• Your Work Environment

A company that looks after and invests in its employees can have a

positive influence. And, conversely, an oppressive work environment

stifles creativity, self-expression and innovation. It hinders people in

becoming all that they can be. Many entrepreneurs reflect how a

negative work environment influenced them into venturing out on

their own. Your work environment can have a strong influence on your

career choices, whether in a positive or negative way.

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• Your Experiences

Everyone has their own life story and some have had much more

difficult lives than others. Hardships often result in bitterness or low

self-belief. It is often said that a person’s character is reflected not in

how many challenges they have faced, but how they have weathered

or overcome them.

Experiences have the power to make a strong character or break a

weaker one. Those that are more resilient are likely to have a

stronger mind-set.

• Your Spiritual Beliefs

Spiritual beliefs are often a result of your upbringing and culture.

However, many people as adults embark on their own spiritual quests

to find greater meaning in life.

There’s no question that certain religions foster a belief that great

things are possible, whereas others teach that laws need to be

followed in order to achieve self-enlightenment. Your spiritual beliefs

can therefore influence your mind-set towards success.

• Your Interests

Each person is born with individual talents. One person may be

particularly artistic, another may love team sports. Still another may

love the outdoors, literature or music. People have a natural instinct

to spend their time doing things they love or have an interest in.