Invitation to Internet Success (Wear Your Party Pants) by Esther Smith - HTML preview

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Entrepreneurship Catches Fire

Along the highway in San Diego there is a billboard that simply asks in big black letters: Had Enough? I have no idea whether the person or company that owns the advertisement sells cruise vacations or a better brand of Scotch, but you have to admit it gets you thinking on a long trip.

The older we get the more we hate change. The thought of leaving something familiar through repetition to start over again can be intimidating. There is safety in routine. Still, no one is locked into a relationship or a job. Our free-will dictates that your life is yours to live. You can walk away from any situation if it isn't working anymore, or better still drive away and watch it disappear in your rear view mirror.

Why is throwing in the towel so painfully resisted in human nature? Are we too embarrassed to admit another mistake? Are past screw-ups mounting? Is it easier to put off quitting until we're fired? In my working career I only got the boot once. But he did it with such gentleness that no blood was left on the carpet. He was wise enough to see my lack of enthusiasm; my readiness to fly. I thanked him as we parted.