Invitation to Internet Success (Wear Your Party Pants) by Esther Smith - HTML preview

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Examining Your Online Choices

Affiliate Programs:
There is no quicker way to make a living online than with Affiliate Marketing. You don‘t need a product, you don‘t have to accept payments, you don‘t even have to fulfill the order, plus - you jump in at no-cost! How cheap is that for a startup business? After all, what is the role of an affiliate? It‘s to gain sales for a company by endorsing their products. They are blessed to have affiliates and they know it.

The Forrester Research predicts that affiliate programs and affiliate networks will produce $280 billion annually in e-commerce sales by 2008. Yes, that was a b as in billion! In most affiliate programs only 5% generate the vast majority of the sales. They are the Super-Affiliates. If you are not in that percentage you will have to change what you‘re doing.

Competitive marketers wander around imitating each other -- people following people that are following people who are lost. Everyone gets dumber every year. Your text or banner ads were never meant to sell but to generate interest. Your killer ad (if you have one) brings them to your door. They are curious enough to respond.