Today, millions of voices announce their messages in all directions. Newspapers and Magazines carry pricy advertisements. Billboards shout from the highways in three foot letters. Your mailbox fills with junk mail and television carries half-hour infomercials.
Millions more scream their messages over the Internet; tsunami waves of noise; four billion websites, some published by the best of the backslappers. They blink, slide, roll, popup, and pop under. The information age has changed everything.
As a newbie on the Internet twelve years ago, I was full of ambition and bursting with energy. I was going to find the perfect program that sold the perfect product so I could retire to a perfect lifestyle with plenty of income. I had been fed so many motivational videos I was addicted, which led me to my greatest failures and most profound lessons.
The population in general is on advertising overload. Everyone holds on to an idea just until some slogan or headline breaks through and persuades them to change course. With grasshopper speed they move from program to program, and never discover the path to satisfying wealth.