Mantras & Quotes for Network Marketing by Ed Strada - HTML preview

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The Difference

Positive & negative thoughts: People have thousands of thoughts every day, and these thoughts and their nature will make up someone's outlook in life. This is the same case in mantras, if a person has negative thoughts about them; chances are that person won't benefit from these mantras. But is a person has positive thoughts about these mantras, odd are this person will be immensely benefited. It all depends upon the person's thoughts and belief. Both negative and positive are essential to the mind, but it is vital to use them properly.

Application: As a person, you should learn the right way of using both negative and positive thinking. In mantra, you should know what positive and negative mantras are; this will help you apply these mantras to your daily living. Both positive and negative thoughts can strengthen your self-esteem, through everyday affirmations in order to help yourself realize your skills as well as your personal drawbacks.

Creating a positive thoughts produce holistic benefits to your body, just like overcoming the limiting beliefs bring good health. In spite of challenges in life, it motivates and encourages people to face all of them head on. In mantras, if you react positively about them and repeat these ideas over and over again, your will begin to believe that it is true, even if it is not based on reality or facts. This is also how a negative thinking eats self-esteem. One of the excellent ways of transforming negative thoughts is to use mantras or some short Affirmations, which uses only positive words to defy unfounded negative thoughts.

Step 1

Identify your life's situations where you would want to change your Negative thinking habit.

Step 2

Write some negative statements that you usually repeat inside your head like, confronting your own negative self-statement is a great way of changing the negativity.

Step 3

Use encouraging languages and then focus to your strengths rather than your perceived weaknesses in order to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Step 4

Choose one to two meaningful positive statements and make it short to make it your mantra. You should prevent using words such as must, will, should, or might when you are making your mantra. Mantra that is positive and succinct is much easier for you to remember and may even have higher impact.

Step 5

Repeat this mantra every time you consider yourself in some stressful situations or if you find yourself saying negative self-talk.