(You have complete Resell & Give-away rights to this book. However, you have no right to edit or change anything in this ebook. Please read the legal notice at the end of the book.)
Introduction ................................................................ pg. 3
Welcome! .................................................................... pg. 3
Using this Book ........................................................... pg. 5
What Ways Can I Make Money on The Internet?.......... pg. 7
Making Money on Ebay ................................................. pg. 8
Ebay Overview ............................................................. pg. 9
Getting Started, what to sell, etc. ................................ pg. 10
Advanced Selling on Ebay ............................................ pg. 15
Tips and Tricks for Ebay Success .................................. pg. 18
Finding Products to sell on Ebay .................................. pg. 23
Making Money as an Affiliate ........................................ pg. 27
Top ways of Promoting your Affiliate Links .................. pg. 28
Using Forums to Sell .................................................... pg. 30
Ezine Advertising ......................................................... pg. 32
PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising and Google Adwords ... pg. 32
Use the power of BLOGS to make money ....................... pg. 41
Creating a Website ....................................................... pg. 44
Google Adsense Success .............................................. pg. 46
Your own Affiliate Website ........................................... pg. 48
Creating a Website for E-commerce or
Informational Product .................................................. pg. 48
Promoting Your Website and SEO .................................. pg. 49
Get Indexed in Google in 24 Hours ................................ pg. 51
Content for Your Site ..................................................... pg. 54
Keyword Targeting ........................................................ pg. 55
Designing and Coding Your Site ..................................... pg. 56
Advanced Web Design Techniques ................................. pg. 59
Creating your Own Informational Product ...................... pg. 65Great Sites and Tools for any Web master ....................... pg. 69 E-Currency and HYIP Investments .................................. pg. 72
The number #1 investment on the internet = 10% returns. See my proof!
Fun Ways to Make Money ................................................ pg. 76
Paid Surveys ................................................................... pg. 76
Mystery Shopper ............................................................. pg. 77
Get Paid to Drive Your Own Car ...................................... pg. 78
And of Course: MySpace, Craigslist, and YouTube
Can Money be Made on MySpace
How to advertise on MySpace
Craigslist: Can I make a real income from Craigslist?...ummmm yes!
Youtube and Video Marketing Breakthrough
Legal Information (Terms & Conditions) ......................... pg. 79I realize that even the most profitable money-making opportunities won't work unless you have the right mindset to succeed. Most people sabotage themselves because they are destroying their own chance of success by not staying positive about things.
I personally went through the process of trial and error so you don't have to. You will learn how to bypass your resistance to success and to create a winning mindset. You can learn from my experiences, which will give you the most powerful resources of self-help tools to accelerate you to a new, more prosperous self.
A good attitude can't just work alone...a lot of programs say, “Just have a great attitude and you'll succeed automatically.” It's funny how it seems to be that a lot of people set goals, and then just seem to fall short. They seem to get involved in certain opportunities that just aren't the right ones. We consider that the wrong vehicle. You also need to have other things that come along with the vehicle in order to reach your destination. In this case, your destination will be financial success.
Basically, you will need a few things. One is a “Goal Map.” You need to have the directions to get from point “A” to point “B”. Initially, people move forward toward their goals but for some reason they seem to get detoured. It's like going down a highway that is straight, all you need to do is simply drive and all of a sudden you find yourself driving off an exit, sometimes going 20 miles inland, out of the way.
Much of the problem is often an automatic self-sabotaging mechanism. Part of the procrastination process, which inevitably diverts you from ever reaching your goals or destination. Imagine shooting an arrow up in the air, never knowing where it will land. Many people live their lives that way, just going wherever the wind will take them. Now let's change the thought for a minute. Imagine shooting the arrow at a visible target. Where will the arrow land? It will probably land very close to the target, you may not hit the bull's eye but you'll come close and eventually, if you keep practicing, you'll hit one. It's the same thing in business or relationships or attaining any other goals that you want to achieve.
So basically always keep focused and get back on the highway and stay on course, don't detour. If you have a plan or goal, don't allow people to tell you that it won't work. Drive straight in like an arrow and don't get detoured. Don't let people, places or things push you toward various exits along the way. Just keep aiming for that bull's eye!
Positive Attitude
A positive attitude is very important to achieving anything. How can we take any task and get anywhere when we're negative?
When we tell ourselves, “It will never work,” guess what? It probably won't. By saying this, you have implanted it into your brain's subconscious and you will find all the negative reasons a new venture won't work. In addition, you will take into consideration what friends and associates say, like “That won't work, you're wasting your time, you won't succeed with this method, etc.”
Keys To True Success
Positive Attitude – Have trust in yourself and don't focus on previous failures.
Enthusiasm and Passion – don't just have it, take action on it as well!
Don't listen to dream stealers – even if they are your friends or associates. Maybe they mean well for you, but it is not your obligation to act on their negative attitudes.
Set Goals – Decide whether you want to work part-time or full-time. Research has shown that successful people set definite goals. Work hard to achieve your goals and write them down in a place you can see them everyday.
Get Organized
Plan your work time and manage your time well – you don't want to overwork yourself. “Manage your time properly or it will manage YOU.”
Take advantage of your advantages – Every single person in the world has a talent, skill, idea, drive, or gift that is unique to them.
Saturate your mind with winning statements – “I am confident. I am successful. I am committed. I am prepared.”
William Saroyan once said, “I am not the kind of guy to knock at a door and then when the door is opened, not go in.”
Well you have knocked on the door. I strongly believe an I am extremely confident that this book will help you in your steps to success in working from home. What will you do now that you knocked at the door? Whatever yo do, keep the “dream stealers” away! Poor people believe you must be lucky or dishonest to be rich. That is simply not true!
Take that 'kindle of fire' urging you from within, and blow on it, watch it grow into the powerful flame that is confident, motivated, enthusiastic, and completely empowered! You deserve the best today!
I recommend taking one idea and study it well for one day. Each day of the week take one chapter or idea and delve in it. Do this for only six days of the week. You must also rest and not overwork yourself. If you already know what kind of work you want to do, such as Ebay, affiliate programs, Adsense, HYIP's, or any of the other money-making opportunities discussed in the book, then get right to it.
The reason this book is called Money Grows on Trees is because I strongly believe that one should strive for success via several streams of income. Firstly, it means more income for you. Secondly, it gives you the flexibility to focus on a different opportunity when one is not going so well.
The Internet has grown so popular that millions of people rely on it for their daily life, whether for business, shopping, health, or information. I am not saying that the Internet is the tree of life but I am saying that it poses great opportunities for those seeking to work from home and make an incredible income. But there are many branches on this “tree” called Internet and they are all filled with money that is available for anyone who is willing to strive and climb to get it. And just like any other tree, there is always enough fruit for everyone because the tree is always growing.
The key advice I can give you is to be persistent and never give up! Alexander Pope once said, “Strength of mind is exercise, not rest.” Be diligent and work hard. I am assured that if you put in the effort and work needed for the first few weeks, you will see a steady flow of income that will work on autopilot.
I now that if my family is able to succeed then so can you. At anytime, feel free to contact me at contact@money-kit.com and I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability.
Good Luck!
There are several ways of making a steady and successful income on the Internet. Some may be more time-consuming than others, some may be more risky than others, and some may be more fun than others. Nevertheless, you must take advantage of all the methods and build financial success through various streams of income. It is EXTREMELY important to utilize the most streams of income as possible and I will explain why.
Money can be made on the Internet via online auctions such as Ebay, your own product or commercial website, affiliate programs, blogging, taking surveys, and even playing video games. Later in the book we will discuss ways of making money without a computer as well.
Working with several streams of income allows you to implement your goals into more than one channel and, hence, increasing your customer potential and making for yourself more money. For example, I can sell an informational product such as an Ebook on my own website and on Ebay, while also writing a blog about it and advertising it in a couple of forums, and assigning to it an affiliate program so that other people can sell it for me as well for commission.
You can imagine how many customers you can get if you market your product correctly. We will discuss each of these steps and methods one-by-one throughout the book.
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