Treasure Trooper – This is one of the greatest websites I ever came upon. All you need to do is try any product of your choice and they will pay you for trying them. There are over 200 products or services you can try. You take their trial (some require a small payment), but then you can cancel during the trial so as not to incur any membership fees. Treasure Trooper will pay you money for trying a product. You can get paid up to $160 for trying a service.
If you have the time right now, you can go to Treasure Trooper, sign up to try all the products, and you'll get over $2,000 deposited into your Paypal account within the next 3 days. It takes Treasure Trooper approximately 3 days to confirm that you actually took the trial.
For example: I paid $3.95 to get an online IQ of myself (p.s. The results were not what I expected J ) and Treasure Trooper paid me $7. They are able to do this since they get paid a lead commission from over 200 programs.
Surveys just take a few minutes to fill out and some of them will pay up anywhere from $1 - $150 to take a survey. There are some survey sites that won't pay money, but will rather give you points which you can later redeem for merchandise or a ticket to a lottery drawing to win money.
If you are interested in taking surveys for pay, go to the websites listed and carefully review their offer:
As a mystery shopper, you will play a very important role by helping businesses establish and maintain the high customer service standards they need to remain competitive. You will help the businesses by providing valuable information from a customer's perspective.
Was the store attractive and well kept? Were the sales people friendly? Were all items in stock? If the business was a restaurant, was the food good? What about the service? Department stores, restaurants, specialty shops, clothing stores: the list is unending. However, they all need the same thing: to know what customers really think about their shopping experiences.
The businesses will gladly pay for this information because it is so valuable to them. This is where YOU come in. Imagine getting paid to go shopping! Using the store's own money to shop with! You even get to keep the merchandise you buy at times! You can, as a mystery shopper.
Here are a few mystery shopping websites that will get notify you of companies needing mystery shoppers in your area:DollarFrog.com
There are many companies out there that are willing to pay you to drive your own car with the company's advertisement on it. Some companies will even give you a free car already insured; you just pay for gas and maintenance. I know someone who makes $500 per month just for having an ad printed on his car.
You can find companies at thefreecar.com.