This is one of my favorite sites on the Internet. Free advertising of almost anything you want, websites, products, used furniture, job listings, anything.
Everyone knows about Craigslist, but there are things to be aware of regarding Craigslist rules.
ÏDuplicate ads get deleted automatically by Craigslist
ÏToo many ads from the same email address can get your ads deleted
ÏUsers can get your ad flagged and removed if your ad is irrelevent or
So how can money (and I mean BIG money) be made through Craigslist? For starters, if you have products that you want to sell, whetjer retail or wholesale, you will find prospects in your city who are interested.
If you have a website, you can advertise it on Craigslit and it may even help your site rank higher on the search engines.However, there is a slight drawback:
“How can I make a lot of money on Craigslist if I am limited in the amount of ads I can place and I dont have time to sign up for 100 email addresses in order not to get my ads deleted from Craigslist.”
The solution is at the following link: Craigslist Ghost Poster. The Ghost Poster is a software that I personally use to post a hundred ads per day on Craigslist. I only need one email account and I will not get my ads deleted. This program is one of the more genius methods of Internet Marketing that I have ever stumbled upon.
I advertise my Ebay listings as well as a few websites. I also have a few ads that prompt potential customers to a web page that captures leads; i.e I get their name and email address and they agree to receive information and promotions from me via email.
It's free, it's simple, and it converts wonderfully!YouTube and Internet Video Marketing
The advancement of video marketing has recently changed the way marketers do business online. Make videos and post them on your website or on sites like YouTube.com. You can even place videos in your Ebay listings and blogs.
What a way to capture prospective customers and build your credibility and professionalism by offering visual descriptions and instructions.
(I know you are thinking: “Hey big talker, so why didn't you just make this really long book into videos...that would have been more interesting.” My answer to that is: I am working on it. I have received great feedback on my previous book, and I found out that many people preferred printing out the Ebook and reading it on paper and not strain their eyes on the computer.) But I will make videos for all of you as well.