Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and Wealth Creation by Phillip Collinsworth - HTML preview

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Be a Student of the Plan

“Misspending a man’s time is a kind of self-homicide.”


George Savile


A failure to plan is akin to planning to fail.

Every network marketing opportunity known to mankind has a plan. The plan is the diagram, or matrix, that explains how one can become successful in the business. It illustrates commission levels, and distributor promotion requirements graphically, and is a critical element in communicating the opportunity to prospects. Without a concise plan, prospects will be left cold, and disinterested.

However straight forward or complex, it is essential that you master every element of your sponsoring company’s plan, and be able to discuss it succinctly and coherently. Ideally, you should be able to draw and discuss your plan on the back of a napkin while sipping coffee with a friend--in less than five minutes.

Work the plan, and the plan will work for you.

Take a look at the successful people in your upline. How do they present the plan? Chances are, they are experts. Imitate them. Watch their gestures, take notes, and follow their example. In the privacy of your living room or bedroom, video tape yourself making a presentation. Review it, then work to improve yourself. Ask yourself: Is this presentation interesting? Does it motivate people to join my organization? Would this presentation convince me to join? With practice, experience, and enthusiasm, you can become an expert also. And with that expertise, exponential growth of your organization will follow.
In the privacy of your own home, in a back room if need be, pretend you are presenting your company’s compensation/opportunity plan to a prospect. Talk aloud to yourself as you draw the plan below:

What’s the commission level at the first level?


What personal sales volume is required to move up one level?


What are the commission rates at each level of your compensation matrix? How often are commission checks paid out? Who prints and distributes them?