Network Marketing Revolution by Satrio Nusantoro - HTML preview

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Automation: a Networker’s Dream

In network marketing, people always talk about leverage. But what do we leverage on? People. Since the industrial revolution, people would leverage their efforts on other people. People from the past until now: slaves, serfs, laborers, employees, referrals, affiliates or downline. Everyone has only 24 hours and they use other people’s time in exchange for something else.

Did you know that now you can take this leveraging factor one step further using the Internet?


All because of the simple e-mail.

Notice how a simple e-mail can produce a sale for you without making a phone call, looking for your friends, or driving all the way to Starbucks to buying your prospect a drink.

An AUTORESPONDER is a tool that sends a pre-written e-mail or script, tailored towards the prospect’s details (Name, content, address and message) for him to be pitched about your product or your opportunity. Without getting out of your chair, you can set up a web page and anyone who requires more information can enter his name, email address and phone number.

You can get these leads by setting up a LEAD CAPTURE PAGE. These pages can be written in the form of a sales letter. They will do the selling for you 24-7 even while you are sleeping.

People who purchase your business or product online will be able to use the product IMMEDIATELY if it is a digital product. If it is a physical product, the network marketing company usually arranges shipping or delivery.

If they prospect doesn’t purchase the product but instead enters his details in the webpage, the SEQUESTIAL AUTORESPONDER will send a series of e-mails to the prospect for two purposes: providing additional information and follow up. They will keep receiving these emails until they either BUY something from you or request the system to remove them off their mailing list.

Do you realize how POWERFUL using the INTERNET will help your network marketing business grow LEAPS AND BOUNDS?
Imagine. Most people will only be able to meet a limited number of prospects in a day (traveling takes time and people will only see you at their convenience). On the Internet, your potential clientele is approximately ONE BILLION!

And do you realize that since all the sales pitching, prospecting, and follow-up can be AUTOMATED by a few simple, pre-written emails, it will help save you so much time, you’ll almost laugh yourself silly when you see all the money rolling in!

“This is too good to be true… What’s the catch?”

Well, your networking business doesn’t go on autopilot automatically. You will still need to interact with your downline (they are still your responsibility after all), guide them and most important of all, BEING THEIR FRIEND. No long term business can ever be established without building relationships. People build relationships with their customers (then they will get repeat sales), partners (so their vested interest will always be there), and resellers.

Utilizing the Internet basically takes the heavy load off your back. It is like plowing the field with a tractor instead using animals.


This will bring us to our next topic.